Irabot Day observed in Delhi
Press Release, New Delhi
Irabot Day was observed today, Thursday, 30 September 2010, at the Arts Faculty, University of Delhi, under the aegis of the Irabot Day Observation Committee, Delhi. The observation include; two minutes silence in honour of Comrade Irabot, recitation of poems written by Irabot, singing of songs focusing on the contemporary democratic questions, presentation of speech by the delegates of various organization and discussion on the issues arise out of the speeches. The programme that was presided by Malem Ningthouja, with Comrade Vijay Singh (RD), Comrade Ritupan (DSU), Md. Hefajuddin (MSAD) and Comrade Hari Prashad (AINUF) sharing the dais, was attended by 85 persons, including the representatives of the All India Nepalese United Front, All India Students’ Association, Campaign for Peace & Democracy (Manipur), Democratic Students’ Union, Janpaksh, Manipur Students’ Association Delhi, Revolutionary Democracy, Revolutionary Democratic Front.

The programme began with an opening song entitled “Malem Imabu Wahan-ganu” sung by Altaf Hussain. It was followed presentation of the “Brief Profile of Comrade Irabot” by Mr. Damudor Arambam, a student of Law in the University of Delhi. Main spokesperson of the observation, Comrade Vijay Sigh, said, “Comrade Irabot, apart from being a revolutionary man, he was a complete cultured man…he was bigger than Manipur, spilled beyond the Manipur boundary.” Comrade Hari Prashad of AINUF appraised the historic sacrifice made by Irabot and at the same time shared his perspective about the character of the ongoing democratic movement in Nepal and parts of India. He expressed that the peoples of Nepal and Manipur must collectively struggle for common cause against common enemy. Md. Hefajuddin expressed that the progressive politics launched by Irabot must be continued without a rupture so that there can be development and peace in Manipur. Comrade Ritupan argued for a continuity of colonial character inherited by the Indian rulers since the time of the British rule till today and as such the political struggle carried out by Irabot has relevance till today. Seram Rojesh, former advisor of MSAD, noted that Irabot was compelled by the ruling government to take up arms. The historic shift from the over-ground politics to underground live would fully explain that the government since the long time had left no room for peaceful political solution to democratic questions. Praem Hidam, advisor of MSAD, said that rather than historicizing Irabot as a historical figure one needs to clearly understand the historical context of the emergence of Irabot into the political limelight, in doing so one should relate oneself with the prevailing context, and come up with the solution that would carry forward the movement towards progress. Malem Ningthouja called upon the subjugated, oppressed and exploited peoples to clearly make a distinction between what is reactionary and revolutionary activity. He called upon the people to openly fight against reactionary politics and individual terrorism. In between the speeches, Irabot’s poems Karkhana (Industry) and Mng Ama (A Dream) were recited by Miss Maria Laishram (student of English) and Miss Kshetrimayum Dayabati respectively. A souvenir focusing on the profile and works of Irabot was also released and widely circulated. The programme was concluded with a vote of thanks followed by a tea party.
Malem Ningthouja
Irabot Observation Committee Delhi
30 September 2010