Time for Stern Action


     During the times of the Captain Holroyd, a brutal murder of a British officer was committed by four Nagas. The court which was swift in action in British regime ordered the death of the four murderers. The sentence made a sensible imprssion on the Nagas, and no outrages were committed on the British by the Nagas since then. The Government of Assam should take a lesson from such exemplary sentences of the past. It is amusing to see the Imkong Imchen, home minister of Nagaland utter ghost phrases from the Bible as done by NSCN(IM) leader Thuengaleng Muivah. What ‘forgive and forget’ is he talking about? Did Jesus forgive Judas? Did Jesus forgive Jews? History says “No”. Also, it is even not sure what were the last words of Jesus. Everyone manipulates facts for their respective convenience. The pattern of Christianity practiced by NSCN(IM) and the Nagaland government would shame Jesus Christ as much as the pattern of Islam followed by the Taliban and the Afghanistan government machinery.

Should the Kuki villagers whose homes have been burnt down by NSCN(IM) forgive and forget? Should the Dimasas forgive and forget the way they were thrown out of their ancient capital Dimapur by the Nagas? The wounds that the Nagaland police inflicted on the girls and boys of Assam on September 15 will stay on in their hearts and minds forever. Only people who have no self-respect can ‘forgive and forget’. It is high time the Assam government weild the ‘Sudarshan Chakra’ as done by Lord Krishna and slay the Nagaland policemen who thrashed innocent students of Assam mercilessly, that too in the territory of Assam. Our people should not take things lying low anymore. It is really unfortunate for Assam and its people to have a weird neighbour like Nagaland.

Yours faithfully,
Vox populi,


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