Dimapur, Nov 9 (NNN): Further reacting today over New Delhi interlocutor R.S Pandey`s Sunday comment, the NSCN-IM said that R.S Pandey’s supple statement is to push the Naga into more confusion.
Mentionably, R.S Pandey had told a Nagaland based newspaper on Sunday that without the participation of the Naga people any (Naga) settlement would be incomplete.
It can also be noted that the NSCN-IM had already issued a strong statement yesterday while reacting to R.S Pandey`s statement.
Again today, the Naga outfit said that the NSCN-IM always expects a statement owe an act from R.S. Pandey befitting his responsible assignment. “Time and again the NSCN had unequivocally declared before the people at large and the Government of India. The mandate which had been bestowed on the NSCN by the Naga people to representing them in the political dialogue with GoI. So what more voices or complimentaries Mr. R.S. Pandey is inviting and expecting from the Naga people?,” the NSCN-IM questions.
The Naga outfit then said that R.S Pandey’s supple statement is to push the Naga into more confusion. It accused that R.S Pandey is trying to make a-repeat of 1960 during which the “so-called Naga people’s convention hijacked” the Naga issue from the then NNC and brought a betrayal agreement, known as sixteen points agreement. The NSCN-IM laments that this agreement brought more confusion and bloodshed among the Nagas.
“Is Mr. Pandey really wants to be a mediator between the NSCN and Government of India?” asks the Naga outfit. “As two entities, he should give up his hypocritical thinking and act as dignified person otherwise a time may come when NSCN would be compelled to withdraw its co-operation from him,” it advises.
The NSCN-IM once again impresses upon Pandey that the Indo-Naga political problem cannot be whisked or lightly played away. It is very serious matter which need sincere and sensitizes a patient by all concerned, it added.
“The Nagas are not dreaming as R.S Pandey has said, but the Nagas are fighting for a cause with reason and the determination. The Government of India should not try to befool the Nagas again and again. The uniqueness of Naga political history and situation which was recognized and accepted by the then Indian leadership is not the article 371(A) of the Indian Constitution as interpreted by Mr. Pandey in his statement. It is much more than that and beyond the comprehension of Mr. Pandey’s poor knowledge of the Nagas,” fumes the NSCN-IM today.