7 years devastation remembered


IMPHAL, Jan 9: Various civil society organizations of the state jointly observed the “Reconsolidation Day” marking the “Chahi Taret Khuntakpa” or Seven years Devastation and the Death Anniversary of Maharaja Gambhir Singh.
The observation was attended by Prof. N. Joykumar of Manipur University, YK Dhiren president UPF, Prof. Rose Mangsi Haokip president Kuki Women Union, Sapamcha Dilip president UCM, Amu Kamei president Zaliangrong Union (Assam, Manipur, Nagaland), Kh Ratan and Th. Mangi ex-presidents as chief guest, guest of honour and invitees respectively.
Giving the key note address the spokesperson of the UPF revealed that the main objective of the observation was to remember late Maharaja Gambhir Singh and the remarkable role he had played in bringing back normal life in Manipur after Seven years devastation faced by the state in the hands of Burmese.
Maharaj Gambhir Singh with the co-operation of British Captain Grant expelled the Burmese from Manipur and made Ningthee River Eastern boundary of Manipur which the Burmese had occupied Manipur from year 1819 to 1826.
While delivering his chief guest speech, Prof N. Joykumar brand the then Maharaj Gambhir Singh a great builder and termed his reign as reconstruction period.
In his time, there was no atmosphere of communal unrest or hatred between various communities settling in the state unlike today. He maintained that in today’s society the most literate persons are the one who is fuelling communal thoughts amongst the common people in our state.
While narrating the history of Maharaj Gambhir Singh, Prof. N. Joykumar also claimed that Gambhir Singh’s grandson Maharaj Herachandra, had also played a great role in freeing Manipur from the dark rule of Burma by launching guerilla warfare against the Burmese.
Sapamcha Dilip president UCM also said that today’s generations need to learn the way of our forefathers like their discipline, unity and courage. He said that even though Manipur suffered untold misery during the seven years rule of the then Burma but the courage and unity of our forefather manages to driven them away from the soil.
Sapamcha Dilip further stress the need to spread the message of the forefathers through out the State. At the same time, he also appealed external forces that had been interfering with the affairs of Manipur to back away.
The gathering also paid floral tribute at the portrait of Maharaja Gambhir Singh, as an honour.


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