KCP (MTF) claims hand in killing


    IMPHAL Jan 31: The Kangleipak Communist Party (MTF) in a press statement signed by its publicity secretary Sunil Meetei claims that one Huidrom Subhaschandra alias Sobha of Ishok Mayai Leikai was given capital punishment by the outfit on January 29.
    The release stated that he was killed for his anti party activities and ignoring the warning of the outfit to sever ties with former Union Minister Th Chaoba of Nambol constituency. The outfit recovered a mobile phone and a pistol from the deceased and further warned that the public should not involve in any political matter with Th Chaoba or the same consequence will be meted out.
    The statement has further intimated K Khaba of Waheng Khuman, Langam Nimai, Bijen of Mayai Leikai and Shanti Devi to clarify to the outfit within two days for their involvement in Th Chaoba political campaign and for misleading the public.
    Further, for handing over three cadres of the outfit to the Assam Rifles, Keisam Dhananjoy and Th Itochoubi , Sagolsem Ranihal , K Mombi and club members of YUC of Yaingangpokpi area are intimated to reach the outfit within a week.

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