KCP(Maoist) lambasts Manipur Nursing Council(MNC)


    IMPHAL Jan 8: The Kangleipak Communst Party, KCP (Maoist) in a press statement released by the outfit`s Publicity and Propaganda Secretary W. Malemnganba has alleged several charges regarding the administrative system of the Manipur Nursing Council.
    The release states that the outfit will again reopen the case carried out against the supervisor of the council on charges that the supervisor is withholding the truth regarding wrongly appointment of staff members of the council.
    The release states that the students of the council cannot be misguided. It was notified that the council would take up the final exams for the GNM/FHW in September 2010, and the exams of the repeaters and the regulars would be held in tandem. It was announced that those that passed the exams will be treated as repeaters. The statement of the supervisor was also published in detail by a newspaper, while the superintendent had claimed otherwise; the outfit felt the need to investigate the matter seriously.
    The outfit alleged that one Tamphasana was absorbed in contract basis to the council without any official notification and asks how she was appointed, the outfit hurled charges of wrongly appointing the said person among others on grounds of corruption. The KCP warns the council to drop the falsely appointed persons within a time of one week and to appoint deserving persons unless the council invites the wrath of the outfit.

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