State vovinam team to take part in National Championship


IMPHAL, Jan 18: Altogether 33 boys and 21 girls have been selected for the vovinam team of Manipur which will participate in the ensuing 2nd National Vovinam Championship (sub-juinor, junior and senior) to be held at Rotak, Haryana from January 21 to 24.

The selected players for sub-junior boys are Rishikanta, Ricky, Meiteinganba, Leishemba, Aldish, Gingku, Michael and Bidesh.
The players for sub-junior girls are Kangleihanbi, Mahima, Priyanka, Lamjingbi, Valentina and Linthoingambi.

The players for junior boys are Premkumar, Sadananda, Lorens, Ajit and Inaoton.

The players for junior girls are Bidyapati, Kiran, Jarina and Laxmi.

The players for senior boys are Jiban, Victor, Romen, Lenin and Suresh.

The players for senior girls are Reena, Priya, Minarani, Sakhitombi and Laxmi.

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