Suspect succumbs to police firing


    IMPHAL, Jan 31: In a drastic turn of events, a suspect in the case of the January 22 kidnapping of an auto driver in connection with a Rs 7 lakhs ransom, succumbed to bullet injuries at the ICU of the Shija hospital Langol at around 4:30 pm, today.
    The deceased identified as Md Islau Rahman, 30, s/o (L) Isuk Ali of Lilong Sambrukhong, has been on the run following the dismantling of his residence on January 25 by a mob on the suspicion of his involvement in the hijacking of the auto rickshaw driver Potsangbam Sanajaoba, 28, s/o Pishak of Lambui Khul under Lamlai PS.
    In the meantime, sources have maintained that the suspect’s home was completely cordoned off by police today morning, following which the suspect tried to run away, on which the police personnel open fire at him. The suspect managed to escape from scene however acting on specific information that a man with bullet injuries was has admitted himself at the Shija hospital, Lilong police arrive at the scene and arrested the injured who turned out to be the accused in the kidnapping case.
    The accused was found with a bullet injury on his right calf; however he later succumbed to his injuries at around 4:30 pm. The dead body has been put at the Lilong PHC morgue.

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