Lions activities in Northeast not lagging behind


KOHIMA, Feb 13 (NEPS): Lions Club International (LCI) is a proud voluntary and philanthropic organization today in the world having 1.33 million members in 206 countries in the world.

Lion Dr Animesh Baruah, District Governor, addressing Annual Official Visitation of the Lions Club of Kohima here at Hotel Japfu on February 13, 2011. Lion Dr Sashimeren Aier, LCK President (2nd right) also seen. Photo by NEPS/Oken Jeet Sandham
Lion Dr Animesh Baruah, District Governor, addressing Annual Official Visitation of the Lions Club of Kohima here at Hotel Japfu on February 13, 2011. Lion Dr Sashimeren Aier, LCK President (2nd right) also seen. Photo by NEPS/Oken Jeet Sandham

Disclosing this in a function of Annual Official Visitation of Kohima Lions Club (KLC) held here at Hotel Japfu today, Lion Dr Animesh Baruah, District Governor, said the LCI had 45,700 clubs all over the world and further stated that India had the highest membership with 1.95 lakh members.

Explaining the fast growing membership in India, Lion Dr Baruah said the LCI had always focused on “need-based” social services. He said Lions activities in the seven sisters of Northeast did not lag behind with 4128 strong members.

Calling Club leaders to go for “need based” social services and new projects that would really benefit the less privileged sections of the society, Lion Dr Baruah said that they would now focus on the “global warming” issue which was the need of the hour.

Urging the members of LCK to go for new projects like “tree plantation,” the District Governor said the LCK members should create more awareness on the “global warming” which was a threat to humanity the world over. “Whatever we can, we should try to do something to stop this global warming,” he stated. “We must set the target.”

Expressing his satisfaction on the performance of the LCK, he told the members to dedicate more so that the less privileged sections of people received maximum benefits from their selfless services.

Earlier, LCK President Lion Dr Sashimeren Aier, while welcoming the District Governor and his delegates, expressed his happiness to have the District Governor and his delegates here in the function.

The master of ceremony was conducted by Lion Hosheto Achumi, MJF. Financial report was also given by Lion A Newmai while Lion Tali Temsu Jamir gave “Secretary’s report.” Lion Oken Jeet Sandham gave “Introduction of DG” during the function and the vote of thanks by Lion Er Hozheto Shikhu.

The function also had the “Official Presentation of 25-year Monarch Chevron Award” to Lion A Changkija.

Members of LCK and Lion LN Agarwalla, PMJF and Lion Pawan Maheshwari, Zonal Chairman were among others who attended the function.


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