Press Statement
Kohima, February 20, 2011
MFI Central Board Committee (CBC)
A Meeting of MFI Central Board Committee (CBC), under the Chairmanship of MFI President Sri Oken Jeet Sandham, has been held at Hotel Japfu, Kohima on February 20, 2011 to approve various Committees of MFI. After a thorough deliberation as to how the National Federation (MFI) should be effectively run and streamlined, various Committees which were tabled during the Meeting have been approved. MFI Secretary General and Technical Chairman, Sri O Manglemajo, MFI National Joint Secretary Ng Jeet Khumancha, MFI Senior Executive Member L Kennedy and other MFI Members have attended the Meeting.
The Committees which have been approved are given below:-
- Muaythai Development Committee
- Muaythai Tournament Committee
- Muaythai Seminar and Workshop Committee
- Muaythai Financial Committee
- Muaythai Safety Committee
- Muaythai Advisory Committee
- Muaythai Disciplinary Committee
- Muaythai Legal Committee
- Muaythai Medical Committee
- Muaythai Equipment Committee
- Muaythai Coordination Committee
- Muaythai Publication Committee
Sri Ng Jeet Khumancha
MFI Central Board Committee (CBC)
[pdf https://kanglaonline.in/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/MFI-CBC-P-Statement.pdf 604 700]
The Press Release was sent to Kanglaonline by Neps News Service, Kohima