Teachers ignored


One is wonderstruck with the govt’s lackadiasical attitude towards the problem of the teachers community which deserves to be addressed at the right earnest keeping in mind the importance of the sector to the society. Every right thinking persons would find it difficult to disagree with the demands of COTA since the demands are simply rightful and legal as per the recommendations of the 6th Central Pay Commission.

Thanks to the govt.’s apathy, the teachers fraternity under the aegis of COTA has resorted to one of the extreme step of democratic protest i.e. fast unto death, just to drive home the point that the govt has least interest in education sector. What constraint the govt to implement the commitment it had made in the MOU signed with the COTA, While other departments had already reaped the benefits of the 6th pay structure? Why this denial of the same benefits to the teachers?

With regard to the ongoing COTA’s protest, the govt has responded very swiftly in the form of arrest of teachers who are undergoing fast unto death and put them behind bars. Instead, the govt should have reacted wih the same degree of swiftness in addressing the grievances of the teachers. Now, the stand-off between the govt and COTA is taking toll on the students whose public examinations are just few weeks away. The affected students confederation under the banner of All Manipur Govt. High and Higher Secondary students’ Co-ordination Committee has came out with a statement that their patience is running out and will resort to various forms of agitation if the COTA and govt impasse is not resolve at the earliest.

At this juncture, through this column, I would like to appeal to the govt to kindly spare few moment of thought towards the demands of the COTA in the larger interest of the students community and bring back a normal and congenial academic atmosphere in the state. I don’t think this time COTA will succumb to the popular saying “mathanta waraga tokchakhini”.
Yours faithfully,
Rubi Kamson
Mahabali, Palace Compound,
Imphal East, Manipur.

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