Re-dedication of Kangla Tongbi War Memorial


IMPHAL April 21: A mute testimony to the fighting prowess of the Army Ordnance Corps , otherwise a logistical back up organization is the war memorial at Kangla Tongbi. During the second world war when the desperate marauding Japanese forces were trying to open their line of communication to Imphal a small but determined detachment of the 221 Advance Ordnance Depot put up a stiff resistance stalling the desperate bayonet charges and the advance of the Japanese forces till reinforcement could fetch up and turn the tide against the Japanese in 1944.
In memory of the exemplary courage, bravery, unflinching devotion to duty and supreme sacrifice made by the Ordnance personnel of 221 Advance Depot a modest memorial was constructed with a roughly hewn block of Naga stone as the main pillar. The honour of unveiling and inaugurating this memorial was conferred upon Col HIC Cunningham, IAOC the Commandant of 221 Advance Depot in those days.
There are many War Memorials across the length and breadth of India ,but what makes this memorial unique is the fact that this is the only war memorial dedicated in memory of Ordnance personnel in the country. The memorial which was battered by time and the forces of nature over the years has been renovated and a major face lift provided by all ranks of the Ordnance Corps led by the Director General Ordnance Services and Senior Colonel Commandant, Lt Gen Pradeep Bhalla, AVSM, ADC.            Gen Bhalla flew down specially from Army HQ today morning to unveil the renovated memorial and rededicated the same to the departed souls of all those brave men who have laid down their lives in the line of duty.
The  function was held in the presence of Maj Gen DS Hooda, GOC Red Shield Division, Brig RS Grewal, Dy GOC Red Shield Division,Brig MS Bisht, Brig AOC 3 Corps and officers of 57 Mountain Division.


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