Power abuse slur on Thongju MLA; JNIMS security allegedly assaulted


IMPHAL May 31: Amidst the controversy of the shootout which occurred at Maring Lane, New Checkon allegedly between minister Y Irabot and political aspirant O Henry a couple of days back, the escort personnel of an MLA has roughed up security personnel posted inside the JNIMS today.

According to reliable sources, the incident took place at JNIMS hospital near the casualty department today at around 8 pm. Reports further said that some teenagers came to the hospital in the evening regarding an accident.

The youths numbering about seven were making a ruckus outside the hospital`™s casualty ward, when two hospital security guards approached the youths and asked them not to make so much noise. Among the youths, one allegedly identified himself as the son of Thongju Assembly constituency MLA Bijoy Koijam.

Afterwards a heated confrontation took place between the two security personnel and the youths, stated the source.

The source further stated that, Bijoy Koijam`™s son pulled out his mobile phone and intimated someone to come to the hospital premises as soon as possible. After some time, MLA Bijoy came with his security escort , he was dressed in a T shirt and a half pant. His son afterwards identified the security personnel who had accosted him and his friend.

After which without any provocation and warning, the MLA`™s security beat up the two JNIMS security. They were manhandled, butted with rifles.

The incident ended only after the arrival of Imphal East police commandos to the scene, the source maintained.

It is also said that two commandos also sustained blows while trying to quell the escort party.

Following the brutal assault, a VDF identified as one Md Safique, 21 , from Yairipok sustained serious injuries in the face.

He is being kept at JNIMS casualty under medical observation and is presently in an unconscious state. The other security personnel is identified as N Jimma, 25 from Keirang, He is a the commander of the security at JNIMS. He sustained minor injuries.

Decrying the incident, several medical staff of the hospital complained that the issue is a blatant example of lawlessness in the state and a misuse of authority by those in power. Those who are supposed to protect the public have complete disregard for the law and the sanctity of the medical institution, they said.

Interestingly, a senior police officer also told IFP that the case happened due to a slight misunderstanding and that the MLAs son was not involved, he added that no FIR has been registered nor a case has taken up regarding the incident.


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