Do you think evicting the residents of Kabo Leikai to convert Hotel Imphal to a luxury five-star hotel is justified?


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    1. Why 5 star hotel in such congested residential area, Kabo leikai? Is Imphal like Delhi where there is no space to build? There are lot of other alternative areas in Imphal and its outskirt. Why this Ibobi govt. is always traumatizing and disturbing people? Why this elected govt. is so arrogant and stubborn? Grow up, while boys. Think and look ‘out of box and beyond your ‘Pandora’ .  It makes me sick to all the current mess in Imphal. 

    2. we welcome the development but not at the cost citizens trauma.. looking at the sizable amount of tourists coming in manipur.. first we need to  set up our proper basic  necessity of day today common man’s Electricity 24X7, Safe Drinking and Peaceful atmosphere . well adding a five star hotel is like adding another status symbol to our state that too in PPP model. But according to me why dont we have Budgetary star hotel of two nos with frills and thrills  instead one   . It will generate more employments to the state. nowaday most hoteliers  in city are expanding more low cost hotel than luxury one.  it is high time for  our limited brains VIP’s who had seen only bright side of metroplois life  at the expense of Public money to used PPP model of setting up infrastructure of state according to our state pocket size. May god give a thought to VIP’s so that we can have a regular supply of Eletricity 24X 7 in day  and Safe Drinking water ,less strike  in school .  

    3. Our servile dogs like Ibobi might have been coerced to make such move because of masters sitting there in centre(political and military) who frequently  rendezvous Kangleipak to show there presence time to time.Indeed services(pimpimg) provided by ibobi must meet master’s needs.Inspite of the fact that Kangleipak need various essential and basic amenities like ELECTRICITY(a perennial darkness),SAFE WATER (except certain area most zone esp in hills and remote area are devoid of safe water supply).

      Its seems Ibobi is playing with his cheap tricks from his pea nut size primitive brain to cheat lakes of people here.His time must end soon.A parasite and slowly eating  worm,a jackal in sheep’s hide!

    4. I would rather prefer to evict the Governor’s official residency, CM bungalow etc. in the busy paona bazar and build a 5 star hotel in place – could be a cool commercial place. So the Governor’s residency can be somewhere 10 miles away from commercial area or in Leimakhong army camp.

    5. its all depend on the decision maker…. it is not always necessary to develop  and expand on the existing hotel…. imphal hotel is claim to be 3 * hotel… so pliz kept it as it is and develope a any 5 * hotel or 7 * whatever… there are lots of vast area on the outskirt of imphal city… don’t mixed with residential area …  and it also add a new star hotel in our state… 


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