Bouquet of Flower, Bouquet of Knowledge and Bouquet of People!


by G.S.Oinam
A bunch of flower arranged in an attractive way is an art and the most beautiful ones are always carried in a ceremony or presented as a gift to dear sweet heart, our honourable chief guest or God for prayers. Oh Yes! God likes sweet smell bunches of flowers. In such a manner, different, different section of people if arranged in a proper manner will be the most beautiful country in the planet. The word ‘Unity Is Diversity ‘will be unique and the spirit of national integrity and strength will be stronger. A,MERI’KA— every citizen is proud of being citizen of United States of America—Perhaps, origins of India, Spanish, France , British , Native American, Black American etc. India—is the united states of 550 princely states and it has large tribal belt. More variety of people with her unique culture—can be arranged in more beautiful spirit than A,MERI’KA.
Bouquet of Knowledge is a technique of knowledge management –missing point in today’s society for spreading knowledge and skills of communal harmony and feeling of oneness. No matter, our leaders are changes from time to time –weak or strong. You can not hold them. You can’t control other people’s actions, but you can stay true to yourself. Think about ways to feel your best — and your strongest point. Exercise is one way to feel strong and powerful. Be a good Social Driver—asked yourself what you can help for the government? What you can help for the society and country? Be a Social Parental—only weak people expected something from their leader and government. Our problems—we know, we saw but we failed to solved (Khangna- khangna, Una una thee netpa).Anger to our leaders did not served any purpose—you feel helpless? If you give more and more pressure beyond their limit, the situations will be worsen—finally, leaders will become naughty men (Ahan ningai phataba).
Freedom Isn’t Free. It has a price for us all. Those prices earn us our rite to freedom. We work hard everyday. We train, we live, we love, and we grow up. We do this for us, as well as for others…Yet, all do not do this. Our days need information, direction, love, work and learning advancement. It will be all too soon that we grow and come to know our adult strength. We grow into strong, intelligent beings. We have the attitude that all class of society can learn, and overcome their problems—big or small .Thus opening a whole new world for families to enjoy. Looking at the whole picture, true self reflection, fighting through all the little battles, reaching calm, developing our language, finding communication, instilling our virtues, finding our inner strength, letting go of our past, creating connection, leaps of faith. While embracing the future that we will create for ourselves…..
We dream of the good life, we push for the relationship we want. We picture how it will be and take the steps to get there. We journey together, pushing past each others shortcomings, solidifying each others successes. We work every day, as hard as we can that day. Our lessons become habit. Our life begins to fill with style…..
Sound like a lot—- It seems the world has forgotten how to live with different, different section of the society, what it takes to raise a well balanced, well adjusted and trustworthy member of society. That takes time and energy. Ultimately you get what you give. Our generation is not born knowing what is expected of—we have to teach them.
Our world is very unnatural and alien to our ignorance, if we don’t teach our young generation what their role will be, as well as the basic skills needed to survive in our “Human” world, it is easy for them to find themselves in trouble. It is us who do, that suffer for society’s unwillingness to step up to the plate form.
Helping to keep the pendulum of balance swinging, and insuring our youngsters’ know they are doing what we expect they should, and for doing what we ask of them, we will reward them for a job well done with the joy of PLAY.
Create a higher quality life providing with awareness, self management, relationship skills and responsibility and while teaching them to be respectful, loving, discipline and gracious toward all other living things…
Through training with fun, we will build a better form of communication, and in doing this will greatly improve the over all relationship you have. By establishing a solid “foundation” of training, you set the rules of general life for your companion. Training is set up as an individual, case by case basis. Methods may be very in each individual and must be decided by evaluating what will best fit his/her needs.
We learn how to work as one. Accept our part in the big picture. It all comes together, the sun shines down on them and we are witness yet again to the simple beauty of a family who puts in the work, and lives the good life. Must be taught rite from the start, must be laid down in every aspect of life for them…
Our future generation will have land no boundary (global village), only one common religion called spiritual and only two casts called rich and poor. But, the gaps between rich and poor can be bridge by so called empathy and compassion. Your lives will batter than God. Lord Jesus Christ’s life was full of sorrows and suffering. Lord Jesus was crucified. Lord Krishna was born at jail and kept his identity secret for many years. Lord Ram was sent to spend his life in jungle for 14 years and fight war against Ravan.
New generation people respected rich people very much but nobody asked how they had become rich. Or, what do you expected from rich one? Money is not every thing. Do you like the life style of Guru Ram Dev, Sathya Sai Baba, Guru Ravi Shankar— they have rupees thousand crore of assets in the name of their respective trusty but their living style is very simple—saffron and white colour cloths (dhoti), simple vegetable food. One should not make the life much expensive. The lives of sagas and hermits were not expensive. A much expensive life makes man a slave to money and other persons; consequently, he has to commit many a sin and has to resort to wiggery.
Knowledge is increasingly important as a source of wealth at all levels of an economy and society to live in harmony. Most new jobs and wealth creation are fuelled by the international competitiveness of new knowledge-based societies. In fact, knowledge may soon be the only source of competitive advantage for an organization. These knowledge assets reside in many different places such as: database, knowledge bases, filing cabinets and people’s heads and are distributed right across the organization. All too often one part of an organization repeats work of another part simply because it is impossible to keep track of, and make use of knowledge in other parts. Knowledge is undoubtedly an indispensable resource to create value for the next generation of society, Industries, companies and government as well. Those who want to think and act in integrated, creative ways and solve complex problems need rich, integrated, up-to-date knowledge management environments to support them. The gulf between traditional and knowledge-driven organizations is growing as knowledge-driven organizations concentrate not only on present success but their own evolution so they can better take advantage of the new knowledge-intense environment.
The New Knowledge Economy is a period of rapid change – a paradigm shift – for librarians and libraries. It can be viewed as either the beginning of a new “golden age” for the profession, or the point when librarians and information professionals became marginalized, and perhaps made irrelevant, by the rapid advances in digital computer and telecommunication technologies and the networking power of the Internet, intranets, and extranets. Economic success is increasingly based on upon the effective utilisation of intangible assets such as knowledge, skills and innovative potential as the key resource for competitive advantage. The term “knowledge economy” is used to describe this emerging economic structure. A formal definition of a knowledge economy as one that creates, disseminates, and uses knowledge to enhance its growth and development. A knowledge economy uses data as raw materials and transforms it using technology, analysis tools, and human intelligence into knowledge and expertise.
The Knowledge Base Society is a larger concept that just an increased commitment to R&D. It covers every aspect of the contemporary economy where knowledge is at the heart of value added – from high tech manufacturing and ICTs through knowledge intensive services to the overtly creative industries such as media and architecture.
Effective use of knowledge in any country requires appropriate policies, institutions, investments and coordination across these four pillars. Increased university-industry partnerships to translate research into applications can yield economic value. Lifelong learning programs can be used to meet the learning needs of all, both within and outside the school system, including using community education technologies to expand access to and the quality of formal education .KBS proposed an analytical framework consisting of four components: the economic incentive and institutional regime, education, information and communication technologies (ICT), and finally the innovation system.
Knowledge Management is a concept in which an enterprise gathers, organizes, shares, and analyzes its knowledge in terms of resources, documents, innovation and people skills. KM involves data mining and some method of operation to push information to users. Knowledge management can also be a business process that formalizes management and leverage of a firm’s intellectual assets. KM is an enterprise discipline that promotes a collaborative and integrative approach to the creation, capture, organization, access and use of information assets, including the tacit, un-captured knowledge of people. Organizations seek to enforce a discipline that can be used to systematically leverage expertise and information to improve organizational efficiency, responsiveness, competency, and innovation. Systematically means that the discipline does not rely on informal water cooler conversations, but on planned process, technology, measurement techniques, and behaviors. Knowledge management seeks to exploit all the key resources that an organization has in place and that can be put to use in a more effective way.
There are two kinds of knowledge- explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge. Explicit knowledge can be expressed in words and numbers and shared in the form of data, scientific formulas, specifications, manuals and the like. This kind of knowledge can be readily transmitted across individuals formally and systematically. Tacit knowledge, or the other hand, is highly personal and hard to formalize, making it difficult to communicate or share with others. Subjective insights, intuitions, and hunches fall into this category of knowledge. Difficult to verbalize, such tacit knowledge is deeply rooted in an individual’s actions and experience, as well as in the ideals, values, or emotions he or she embraces.
These two types of knowledge are complementary to each other, and both are crucial to knowledge creation. They interact with and change into each other in the creative activities of human beings. Understanding this reciprocal relationship between explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge is the key to understanding the knowledge-creating process. The interaction between the two types of knowledge can also be called as the knowledge conversion.
Knowledge is created through such interactions among individuals with different types and contents of knowledge. Knowledge creation in organizations takes place primarily through the dynamic process of four different modes of conversion between the two dimensions of knowledge.
Socialization: Tacit knowledge to conversion takes place when tacit knowledge within one individual is shared by another through training.
Combination: Explicit knowledge to explicit knowledge conversion takes place when an individual combines discrete pieces of explicit knowledge into a whole new concept.
Externalization: Tacit knowledge to explicit knowledge conversion can be said to take place when an individual is able to articulate the foundations of his and her tacit knowledge.
Internalization: Explicit knowledge to tacit knowledge conversion takes place when new explicit knowledge is shared throughout the firm and other members begin to use it to broaden, extend and reframe their own tacit knowledge.
The two sources of Knowledge are: Internal sources emerging from the operations of the organization- internal sources include the organizational operations such as design, development, engineering, sales, marketing, manufacturing, customer contact, etc. This is the basic source of organizational information, which is controllable and can be easily canalized to Knowledge Repository (KR). In the absence of any formal mechanism, this knowledge remains in the minds of organization members and usually, disappears with them. External sources such as Industry/Professional Associations, Commercial web sites etc.- there are many professional bodies such as IEEE, academic bodies such as universities, research institutions, industry associations such as NEMA, and commercial organizations. These sources usually make the knowledge available through web sites and some times through publications. Some of them could be free services and some could be for a fee.
A well-designed KM should be able to take advantage of both the sources to create and maintain a KR and allow members to easily access the knowledge stored inside it.
A well defined Manipur Knowledge Management Society – project has been prepared to work together with State Intellectuals, Media, NGOs, Social Workers, Retired Experience Officials and Government to drive the society in good shape and proper direction. Now, the choice is yours! –will the MKMS be run by Manipur state government or autonomous body under the chairmanship of Your Excellency Governor of Manipur or by local body under the Society Registration Act.
We will prove the philosophy of George Bernard Show on creative work “ He who can, does; and he who cannot, teaches” is practical only in the time of teaching without research, and researchers in laboratory without teaching and in the time of lack of collaboration between industry and researchers, experts and government.
Key Words
q A collection of data is not information.
q A collection of information is not knowledge.
q A collection of knowledge is not wisdom.
q A collection of wisdom is not truth
Skills are learned by doing; knowledge is learned by studying or investigating.
Knowledge Management is the collection of processes that govern the creation, dissemination and utilization of knowledge.
Data– ‘Facts or figures (ABC…123…) from which conclusions may be drawn’
Information —relates to description, definition, or perspective (what, who, when, where).
Knowledge— comprises strategy, practice, method, or approach (how).
Wisdom —embodies principle, insight, moral, or archetype (why).
Knowledge Mapping–No two individuals possess exactly equal knowledge. A few persons of an organization may have equal qualifications and experience even then their knowledge will not be the same. Hence knowledge mapping of every employee is considered so important. While mapping knowledge, apart from listing the employees along with their qualifications and expertise, their specific problem solving capacities are also to be included without fail.
Knowledge Worker: A knowledge worker is ‘a member of the organization who uses knowledge to be a more productive worker. These workers use all varieties of knowledge in the performance of their regular business activities
Value Creation–Here value creation is directly related to providing support to effective decision-making.


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