CAFI Press Release: 1st Anniversary of the Entry into Force of Convention on Cluster Munitions


PRESS RELEASE – New Delhi 1st August, 2011
1st Anniversary of the Entry into Force of Convention on Cluster Munitions

For additional detail, please see the original press release in PDF format.

Cluster bombs have killed and injured thousands of civilians during the last 40 years and continue to do so today. They cause widespread harm on impact and yet remain dangerous, killing and injuring civilians long after a conflict has ended.
Cluster munitions or a cluster bomb is usually defined as a weapon containing multiple explosive sub-munitions that can disperse from 10 to several hundred bomb-lets over a target area. They can be dropped from an aircraft or fired in missiles or artillery shells and contain more explosive power and metal fragmentation, making them to cause multiple casualties. Submunitions released by air-dropped cluster bombs are most often called “bomblets,” while those delivered from the ground by artillery or rockets are usually referred to as “grenades.”Cluster bombs carry upto 200 bomb-lets, each the size of a soft drink. The size, shape and sometimes the colours of these bombs attract children to the contaminated sites. Many of these weapons have been mainly used in less developed countries causing damage to social, economic, health and environmental fabric of the region.
On 30 May 2008, the Convention on Cluster Munitions was concluded by the Dublin Diplomatic Conference on Cluster Munitions. The Convention prohibits all use, stockpiling, production and transfer of cluster munitions, as defined in the Convention. The Convention also addresses assistance to victims, clearance of contaminated areas and destruction of stockpiles. Furthermore, it includes transparency measures as well as guidance to address possible compliance issues.

The Convention was opened for signature at a Signing Conference in Oslo on 3 December 2008 and will enter into force on 1 August 2010 – six months after its ratification by 30 States parties. A total of 106 countries have signed the Convention and 30 have ratified it since it was opened for signature – among them are former users, producers and stockpilers of cluster bombs, as well as countries affected by the weapon.

After 1 August, treaty obligations become legally binding for all states that have ratified.
However, India has not signed the Convention on Cluster Munition. India is among the 34 countries that produces cluster munition and among the 85 countries that have stockpiled cluster munitions.

On 1 August, 2011 Control Arms Foundation of India will be organising a Program as a part of“1st Anniversary of the Entry into Force of Convention on Cluster Munitions” at 11 am at Conference Room, Control Arms Foundation of India. A film by Chris Anderson,” UNACCEPTABLE HARM,” 40 years of Cluster Munitions will be screened. After screening the film a short Public debate with general public will be held.

This event will also be followed by a distribution of pamphlets at Indira Gandhi Smriti Sthal, No. 1, Safderjang Road, New Delhi- 110 011, at 2.30 pm to urge the government of India to join the Convention on Cluster Munition. Volunteers, partners, well wishers and activists from the city, will be participating in the distribution activity. Pamphlets will also be distributed to create awareness and educate the public on this historic day.

For more information, please see fact sheet attached on Cluster Munitions. For photos and film footage on Cluster Munition in India and interviews, please contact:

Ms. Binalakshmi Nepram & Team
Control Arms Foundation of India
B 5/146, First Floor, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi 110029
Mobile: 9868233373 Landline: 011- 46018541

Posted: 2011-07-30


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