Appeal from AMCO


    IMPHAL, Aug 24: All Manipur Christian Organization (AMCO) has appealed to the entire people of Manipur to refrain from any provocative activity that could cause unwanted tension in the wake of sensitive situation prevailing in the state.

    The president of AMCO, Prim Vaiphei, in a release said “In the wake of the yet another show of picture of self destruction in the forth-front of total indefinite bandh imposed on all the National Highways in the name of Sadar hills districthood demand committee and counter bandh on the same issue and seeing the possible grave consequence which may severly affect all the communities of the state, the AMCO appeal to all the people of Manipur to refrain from any provocative speech or writings, dentention/kidnapping, for of spreading rumour etc”.

    The AMCO further appealed to all organizations including civil and armed organizations to promote and maintain peace and peaceful co-existence in their best possible way in the spirit of love and fraternity.


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