KO releases its social networking site – “Leipung.com”


Kanglaonline is proud to release its sister site www.leipung.com (beta version) and is live from 15th August.  “Leipung” is derived from the concept of “Leipung Phamba”, a popular form of hang-out still practised in the Meitei localities of Manipur. It is in such “Leipung-phamba” where the local youths discuss about any topics of their choices – from cracking jokes, fashion, politics, music, history to any topics they can think of at that moment.

Leipung will try to provide similar kind of experience in the virtual world. You can imagine it to be a combination of social-networking and discussion/sharing platform with the motto: “Connect + Share + Learn“. Leipung currently allows you to

1. Connect – connect with your friends by creating your free account & get acces to all features of Leipung. http://leipung.com/register

2. Share – share your knowledge by writing poems, articles, jokes, blogs or simply share pictures, videos with your friends

3. Learn – a chance to learn about other’s stories, write your reviews/comment etc

So please register and enjoy the full lot of features which is specially created for you. Please remember “Leipung” is under development, dont be surprise to see changes on the site on everyday basis 🙂 And your feedbacks are most welcome, help us to improve !

More updates on the status will follow.. watch out this space..

*** NOTE *** Currently if you are using your gmail id to register @ leipung the activation mails are sent to spam or bulk folder.

~ Leipung Team ( powered by KO )

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