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Delhi 1st Sept 2011: The release of the book entitled Freedom from India; A History of Manipur Nationalism (1947-200), authored by Malem Ningthouja and published by the Spectrum Publications was held on Tuesday, 30 August 2011 at the University of Delhi in Delhi. The programme that was addressed by Professor Bhagat Oinam of JNU, Kavita Krishan of CC CPI (ML) Liberation, and comrade Vijay Singh of Revolutionary Democracy was attended by the teaching staffs and students of Delhi University, representatives of civil societies and left democratic parties, Manipur students in Delhi and several others. According to Professor Bhagat the book had reflected the commitment of an activist cum scholar. The book had taken strong ideological position and had raised crucial debates on issues related to the Manipur national movement. According to Ms. Kavita the book had brought into the light the history of freedom movement that had been covered up. According to comrade Vijay Singh, the debate that was raised by the book had to be discussed and deeply analysed in widespread scale. According to the Author, despite contradiction / conflict among co-existing people / communities in Manipur over the national question, it was a fact that there had been continuous Manipur freedom movement as a result of continuous colonial rule since the British colonial rule onwards. It was necessary to understand the history of the movement by doing away from all forms of misinformation carried out by the colonial media. The book is based on the M. Phil dissertation Ph. D thesis of the author. The author is the editorial member of the journal Revolutionary Democracy, founder cum chairperson of the organisation Campaign for Peace & Democracy (Manipur), founder cum managing trustee of Labour Research and Organisation Foundation, and a member of the ICC of the International League of People’s Struggle.
Houkhiba Tuesday, 30 August 2011, numitta University of Delhi da Malem Ningthoujana eeba, Spectrum Publicationna fongba, Freedom from India; A History of Manipur Nationalism (1947-200), haiba lairik asi release toukhre. JNU gi Professor Bhagat Oinam, CPI (ML) Liberation gi Central Committee gi Kavita Krishan, amasung Revolutionary Democratic gi editor Comrade Vijay Singh na wangangloi oiduna pangthokkiba thouram aduda University of Delhigi ojhasing amadi maheiroising, civil society gi meehutsing, left democratic partygi meeoising, Manipur gi maheirong amasung atei atoppa meeyoi kaya saruk yakhi. Professor Bhagat ki matung inna lairik asida activist cum scholar amagi commitment mamee tai. Lairik asina wakhallongi firep amada chap yungna leptuna Manipur gi national movemenka mari leinaba wafam kayada marei kaya puthokli. Ms Kavita gi matung inna, Manipur ningtambagi maramda kupsinduna thamluraba puwari ama lairik asina mayamda utli. Comrade Vijay gi matung inna lairik asina pukhatlakliba marei asi henna pak snna amasung kupthana neinabagi tangai fadba lei. Authorgi matung inna, Manipur gi manungda khundariba meeyoising / furupsinggi marakta national question gi matangda yetnaba / muknaba kaya leirabasu, British na pallingeidagi ngasifaoba loilam leingak loidaba asina maram oiraga Manipur ningtambagi khongjang ama leptana changsillak-ee haibasidi asengbani. Asigumba khongjang asi colonial media na kupsinduna thamliba kuyom asi thugaiduna khongjanggi puwaribu khangminnaba tangai fadaba lei. Lairik asi author gi M. Phil dissertation amasung Ph. D Theisis ta yumfam oi. Author asi journal Revolutionary Democracy gi editorial member amani, Campaign for Peace & Democracy (Manipur) gi founder cum chairpersonni, Labour Research and Organisation Foundation gi founder cum managing trustee ni, International League of People’s Struggle gi ICC memberni.
The above press release was sent to Kanglaonline.com by Malem Ningthouja, CPDM. The contact email id is cpdmanipur@gmail.com