Democracy And Politics In India


(MPP, AGP V/s NPF and neighbouring politics)
By B. Angousana Sharma, Retd. CPF
A comprehensive but concise outlook for 63 year constitutional parliamentary democracy in India is now appeared to be rough, rugged and blurred surface of a mirror in the public domain through the unadmissible administration of the multi-party parliamentary debatorium with the agendas of insignificant unlimited provision in the conglomerated constitution which roomed to confiscate the right of the citizens of the country by the incapable and unbridled democracy, steering by the limited Heads of the nation; whom are under suspicious sounding everywhere in the administration, which is unfortunate for the democracy when claimed to be the biggest democratic country in the world, whereof the most hoached-poached discipline of administration exhibits; where, discipline of the people is yet to be immunized; as if, else of the integrity in the majority population is showing the intuitional ethics which playing as key role in the society; as of the fact the administration of the biggest populated country is pulling like crankering a huge body, but how far the pully of chain would claim to be maintaining the administration of a super-power ascending sub-continent seems to be a hard task for the nation. Because, the multi-party, unistitutional political segments are causing to be stone-blocked on the path of development with the regional and local political pill boxes.

It is also true enough the National Political Heads are playing in the capital Head Quarters; in the meantime the regional/local loop holes might enlarge which leads to be a corrupt plant turned to be obstacle the mainstream of the administration. On the one hand the local and regional political discipline would turn to play the cards of the lapsed in the administration. Besides, the national issues termed to local interpretation. Rest of the problems become local, which, later shoulder to the population. By the time, when the situation turned to unusual due to huge lapses in the administration where as the opportunist advantaged to crop-up the Anti-National activities into the region with the cards of the numerous issues which later faced the administration, very hard to fulfill the demands surrounded; which is the result of the Multi-party democratic administration in the non-democratic minds of the Leaders.

Problems after problems, causes after causes varying the formulation of the movements, architeched by the expertised wave of thoughts in the politicians become headache to the states and national heads. Very cloudy, non-descriptive, vague banners forebears the clumsy thoughts of the politicians. Their oscillatory strikes in repeat fumble deals reacts the people, rather pricking the silent mood of the people.

In the crux of the time the heavy loading poverty, unemployment, resentment, non-evolution, non-methodical, non-strategic, non-industrialistic, the ecological problems of deforestation, over mining mechanism, uncontrollable demographic situation are all natural, non-articulative and obvious formulations. As of the fact administration and governance of the rule destabilized, hence imbibed negative; of the lore people become selfish and self centered. Thus, politics declined to regional and local which terms to communal due to lack of political institutions, and due to un-distilled strategies of the political system in the parliamentary Multi-party Govt. peoples have been sidelined.

These are all talks about democracy; and democracy, the Indian democracy has own specific but insignificant disciplines with the multi-racial cultures and ethos where full of faul plays embraced the society which are very poisonous and envenoming the political atmosphere. Because Indian`s like democracy could maintain through integrity more than the political disciplines of the parties; otherwise discriminatory communalism would over run the society. This is of the reason how India is administering by integrity (faith unto God, Non-violence, Ram-Bharosha). It is true enough India is administered by Integrity not by the Debatorium, the Parliament. India`s parliament is nothing but Sadar Bazar of Delhi.

Besides, duties of the democrats have to be institutionalised so that duties of the bureaucrats and technocrats as well as defense and diplomats can be endorsed time to time. In the mean time the role of Intelligence on the part of the departmental heads to be scanned are found to be accountable. Therefore, integrity of the key persons could supervise by the democrats, whose (democrats) integrity must be superp as Patriot. In the sense, the term patriot is derived from PAT or affection or having love for own country; in the far way, becoming of a leader of the NATION, i.e. PATRIOT.

Consequent upon creation of the democratic administration there were vast interpretations of the systems of the administrations when the stage of the theory to be brought into consideration for application into a federal Govt. Because, to socialize the selfish mind, to upbroaden the desire for general purposes would have been streamlined through the presentation of the constitution, which of the core matters are to be institutionalized the leaders which found to be lapsed in India. Thereupon, the qualities of the opportunism, selfishness in the leaders could wash through integrity and education; but due to hasty applications of the political theories the politicians become half hearted on the part of participation. This would be the reason of the National politics is weak and regional politics is in free swing in the small pockets. Therefore, till improvement of the National politics democrats become smaller in size whereas, pseudo-democrats become powerful leaders in the local grid with the narrow and temporary beam. Thus, declination of the National political avenues appeared, the local power grid is upper hand in politics, in the states; in the meantime reality of democracy remained deem.

NPF (Naga Peoples Front) is example of the weak democracy in India. NPF is with the provision of Indian constitution enter the territory of Manipur which has a prolong dream of Naga integration in the neighbouring states, with the plan to through the Greater Nagaland issue. And consequent upon initiation of NPF into the soil of Manipur the Greater Nagaland issue into the territories of the neighbouring states enhanced a bigger arena for Naga Sovereignty. But, the bureaucrats who deals the issue had very clear vision that it is not achievable, the matter is MISSION IMPOSSIBLE, since the Assam, Arunachal Pradesh and Manipur assemblies have no deviation to break the territorial integrity, as federal has full right to protect own territory of a state even being governed by the single parliamentary directives in union. However, the Indian bureaucrats have not exert to play the cards tactfully which is ill fortunate for the NSCN with the Naga Sovereign issue towards the neighbours, pinching and irritating Manipur in particular.

Ultimately NSCN projects the NPF card openly under the mainstream of the ruling Nagaland Govt, so that a democratic movement as political push through can be paved the path of Greater Nagaland, a dream, whereas, the central shrewds are with divide and rule device as micro mechanism. Unnecessary tension is cropping up with the Manipuries which is fruitless plant for future generation. Because, Manipur has numerous children to see not the Nagas; Naga should not forget it.

NPF extends political fielding into the tribal settled areas of Manipur with the banner of Naga integration. But Naga politics has to fathom a thought of AGP (Asom Gana Parishad) of Assam, MPP (Manipur People`s Party) of Manipur before stepping out to enchroach the political arena, so that they can field the ideology with correct and clear picture of the agendas to the tribal people of Manipur, Assam and Arunachal Pradesh.

Because, AGP has no ideology to disturb the neighbouring states to Nagaland, Meghalaya and Arunachal Pradesh; Manipur peoples Party has no intention to step out to Silchar or Kohima, so that the neighbourig states could feel unusual atmosphere of politics. As of today the thrush of Naga integration has long been motivating the tribal people of Manipur which hurt the local administration in the state. Hence intention of the movement seems to be harmful to humanity.

Besides, the Central Govt. as well as the National Political Parties in India had not endeavoured to break the status-quo of silence in the bliss of non-violence, which is yet to harm the people of the North East India. How far silent will observe, non- violence will maintain no one can predict it? The silent can break at any time, at any moment in the public. If the Central Govt. is not keeping a close eye upon the intolerable acts of anti-federal character, over the territory of Manipur; at that moment, for the act of violence who will be held responsible?
This will be the height of the situation created due to “Divide and Rule” policy of the Central Govt., in-stead of inducting positive, pacification and right governance in the states. There were evidences of faul plays while dealing the small issues of Greater Nagaland. Either Central Govt. is intending to erase the territory of Manipur or trying to subdue the will of Manupuries which is humiliation, which will be the dark dream for both Naga and Govt. of India.

Let Naga card play at Nagaland, not in Manipur. Let Manipur remain peace and tranquil as Manipuries either of Hill or of valley were enjoying the equal share of the state.

It may be true enough, the political leaders are not qualified according to the vast arena of the constitution as they are always running behind personal benefits, not mostly in the public interest; which of the benefits have to be provided to the people. As of the reason the Govt. is not capable to hold talks with the revolutionary groups. Therefore, free and open demands of the fundamentalist and pro-co critic questions start floating to the govt., as well as the innocent peoples of the nation.

Therefore, Govt. has to have a deep concern over the situations created due to maladministration into the insurgency prone territories of the country, so that, remedial, viable atmosphere can be established in those states.

Why so conspired and callused in the democratic administration. There must have equal deal, should not be partial and selfish; must have equal vision; should have democratic governance over the bureaucrats and technocrats; otherwise, there will be more Greater Nagaland in India, there will be more territorial conflict in between states.

Therefore, the nationalist political leaders must have the interest to meet up such types of problems, rather leaders should not maintain a longer silence. Leaders (democrats) should try to come on the floor to solve the regional/local problems, immediately.

That, act of positive opinion would nector to solve the unsolved or turmoil. Such voice will hitch the false act of violence. If the leaders remain silent the nation will lead to doom. If the nation would not be existed the dream of the leaders for election, selection and post will vanish into the Blue.

It is also true that; on the context of the Regional Politics as the AGP, the MPP are both rational on the part of integrity and ethics of the territorial concern. Both parties are maintaining the wisdom of Party Politics onward democracy in the country which is “federal in nature”, “Unity in form”.

MPP could extend her party HQrs., at Silchar and at Kohima; AGP could extend her HQrs at Kohima , Dimapur, Meghalaya and Arunachal Pradesh but did not do so; why? It is political consciousness and human rationality on the part of neighbouring politics and thought of fellow brothers.
Whereas NPF is trying to push her ideology with the fan of Naga integration is found to be purely out of tracked into the venture of the sermonetted constitution of India where in any kind of culture can be doctrinated which may either harmful to the people or distorting the existing social and political system in the country which is ill fated to Indians. This advantage is nothing but to poke the neighbour.

What is the agenda of the NPF in the territory of Manipur? What will be the benefits of the tribal people of Manipur? What is the motto of NPF and Nagaland Govt.? No doubt that Nagaland creates turmoil to the neighbouring territories. This is history of India where democracy interprets the colour and communal definitions; although the interpretation of the constitution is to be sorted out immediately and the clear cut interpretations of the democrats are invited.

What is the picture of the parliamentary debates on the part of the sieze fire agreement and negotiation in between NSCN and the tribal people of Manipur; so that delaying tactis shall take prolong interval. In the mean time both Naga and tribal people of Manipur will open the eyes in the void with repentance; because, impossible will never cause to be possible.

Due to Naga problem the people of Manipur is suffering for long interval on the part of communication i.e. road communication for the early beginning due to NH-39, now NH-2 but today another territorial conflict with the Greater Nagaland issue based on ethnicity has been hotting up due to bureaucratic games of colluding the issue, rather Govt. of India is not taking the sentiment of the people of Manipur seriously which is not a healthy signal in administration.

Therefore Govt. of India should not compel to form another Isreal in the East India. Hence tolerable level of Manipuries may not overtake to TIME.


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