Molested girl points finger at police


IMPHAL, January 14: Decrying the report of molest of one 11 years girl by suspected police personnel today the Hapta Bazaar area women and youth protested by closing the new checkon road for some hours.

The incident happened this afternoon when the girl Sony (name change) a Class VI student of Eastern High School was shopping for gycerlin at the glocery shop of one non local.

She told mediapersons today that in name of talking to her he started touching her body and further grabbed her private parts. When she try to shout, he held her and shut her mouth using his hand, she added.

She also added that the person was unknown to her.

She said she managed to free herself and ran to her father and elders to report the matter.

Eye witnesses of the incident also said people of the area rushed out and caught hold of the accused. However the man was rescued by Imphal east police CDOs vehicle No. 3 after firing several rounds of bullets to disperse the crowd.

Angry folks then blocked the Checkon road for about 2 hour.

In the meantime local women folks and club also filed an FIR to the concern police station on the assault.


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