Three grenades explode in 5 attacks, CorCom claims hand


IMPHAL,January 12: Attacks on Congress workers continue as hand grenades were lobbed at five different spots from last night till today by suspected CorCom activists. Out of the attacks which were carried out, three grenades exploded and the remaining were safely recovered by the police bomb squad without incident. No one was injured in the blasts. The CorCom have claimed their hands in 18 incident of attack on congress MLAs,candidates and workers. 

The first reported attack today was carried out at the residence of one Thokchom Boy,45, s/o Yaima of KyamgeiManingLeikai. The incident occurred at around 7.30 am. Boy is a worker of Keirao a/c MLA Md. Alauddin Khan.

Further, suspected underground elements lobbed a grenade at the residence of one Ayekpam Joychandra,45, s/o Ibomcha of TeraMaibiLeirak at around 6.15 pm today. The explosion occurred at his backyard .However, no one was injured in the blast. Ibomcha is a staunch worker of Patsoi a/c INC candidate AkMirabai Devi.

At, about 7.30 pm today, a similar attack was carried out at the residence of one NingthoujamAngou at LillongChajingChingkhong. One out of two grenades lobbed at his residence exploded whereas another failed to detonate. There are no reported casualties.

At around 10.30 pm yesterday, a handgrenade was also recovered from the office building of Khongman Development Committee located at Khongman zone 4. The grenade was safely recovered by police. In another incident which occurred at around 11.30 pm yesterday, a grenade exploded at the residence of one Md Abdul Kalam,55,s/o MdMirauddin of SangaiyumpamCherapurMathakLeikai. Abdul is an active worker of Chief Minister OkramIbobi.

The Corcom in a press release have claimed carrying out 18 incidents of attack on Congress candidates and workers from January 8 onwards. The incidents are mentioned as the arson attempt at the Congress office,UmathelMakhaLeikai on January 8. The grenade attack on INC councillor at Nganapithong on the same day and a bomb attack at the residence of one Raghumani.

On January 9, the attack on the residence of one W Sanachand at SingjameiWaikhomLeikai,congress office burnt at WangooHeinouyang, firing incident at the residence of one Basanta,bomb kept at the residence of KakchingKhunou block congress president, at the residence of one ThokchomSanayaima who is the INC candidate for Andro a/c.

On January 10, attacks were carried out at the residence of one Suraj at HaobamMarak, another bomb threat at NambolThiyamLeikai,attack at Heirok MLA M Oken’s residence, gunshots at the residence of one Manglem of Hiyanglam.

On January 11, bomb attack on Langthabal congress candidate W Shyama Devi, bomb attack at the residence of one TongbramBrojen of SagolbandMeinoLeirak, attack at the residence of Sangaiyumfam Block Congress general secretary, another grenade attack at the residence of minister L Jayantakumar last night and also claimed hands for the explosions which occurred today at Kyamgei and SagolbanTeraLoukrakpamLeikai.


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