UNC clarifies on reported ban of political parties


IMPHAL, January 9 (Newmai News Network): Clarifying on the news item featured in some newspapers on January 9 editions in which it was reported that “the United Naga Council (UNC) has banned all other parties except the Naga Peoples’ Front (NPF)”, the UNC said today the news item was far from the truth.

“As a logical extension of the discussions and decisions taken in the series of presidential council meetings, the federal assembly of the UNC held on the January 2 resolved that the Naga People’s Front (NPF) would be supported in the ensuing 10th general assembly election to be held on January 28. The resolution was adopted taking into account the situation of the Nagas in Manipur and the commonality in principle and ideology with the NPF on the political agenda of the Nagas,” the UNC clarifies.

Te Naga body says no undemocratic resolutions have been adopted by the UNC and the above press item has been published with “malafide intent”  to implicate the UNC. “The concerned news agency and media house is requested to set the record straight by issuing an apology for wrongly attributing the reportage to the UNC,” the Naga body demanded.


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