Man succumbs to burn injuries due to inadequacy of medicines at hospital


IMPHAL, Feb 21: A minor burn victim today succumbed on his way to JNIMS from the Chandel district hospital. Family members have stated that the victim had died due to lack of proper infrastructure and medicines at the Chandel district hospital.

The victim identified as Khoisnam Ranjan, 34, son of (late) Kulabidhu of Khuraiai Ningthoubung Leikai was rushed to the district hospital this morning after he received burn injuries while cooking food for his co-workers and himself at the worksite of Chadel DC office building this morning at around 9am.

According to family members, he had left home yesterday morning around 11am for the worksite, where he is currently working as a painter.

Ranjan received burn injuries on his chin and chest.

Sources informed that on being admitted to the district hospital, authorities there told family members to get ointments to apply to his body as there were no available stocks of the same in the hospital.

Later in the day, when he complained of breathing complications, the authorities further told the victim party to take him to Imphal, as there was no oxygen stock available in the hospital, the family members further said.

He succumbed on his way to JNIMS, the source further informed.

Meanwhile, according to doctors at JNIMS, Ranjan had suffered only 33 percent of burn injuries, the source added.

Family members have rued that Ranjan could have been saved if the hospital had proper supplies of medicines.

The Chandel police has taken up a case in this regard, while the body has been kept at the JNIMS morgue for post mortem.


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