Police apprehend two kidnappers


From Kaimuanthang
LAMKA, March 26: The salesman who was allegedly kidnapped by two persons identified to be a jawan of the 35 Assam Rifles based at Sajiktampak and a cadre of the KLO/KLA (Timothi group)on Saturday at around 7:30pm has been rescued with both the kidnappers nabbed by the district police on Sunday evening at around 6pm, stated a source.

The two kidnappers along with the victim was found at a residential hut at G Khonom village located near Mata village from inside a residential by a district police team led by the addl SP.

The captive identified as one Kh Ibungo Singh, 40 son of Kh Komol Singh from Khumujamba locality of CCpur was kidnapped by the assailants for a ransom of Rs one crore from the shop owner identified as Momocaha.

According to the source, the kidnappers were identified as one Marim Sanglem 26 son of Amute Chothe  from New Wangma Chandel village who is a Rifleman presently attached with the 35 Assam Rifles bearing number 5005547 (F) and based at Sajiktampak .

The second person is a cadre of KLO/KLA Timothi group and is identified as that of Satkithang Kipgen , 23, son of Khoilam of Saikul Senapati village.

The police have filed an FIR in connection with the incident and the duo has been produced before the Chief Judicial Magistrate today.

Meanwhile, the KNF (S) issued a press clarification stating that its cadres were not involved in the incident and reports that its cadres were behind the incident is of malicious intent and an attempt to tarnished the image of the group.

It has further maintained that since the signing of SoO way back on August 22, 2008, the outfit has been observing the ground rules of the agreement properly.


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