Accident victim succumbs


IMPHAL, April 19: An accident victim succumbed to his injuries at the Shija Hospitals yesterday late in the evening at around 8pm.

The victim identified as Ningombam Shanta, 32 son of N Leibakchao of Sagolmang Huidrom Awang Leikai has been undergoing treatment at the hospital after being critically injured during a scooter accident on April 16 at around 6:30pm at Pourabi Pukhri Achouba under Lamlai PS.

Meanwhile, a medical attendant of the 1st MR hospital was found dead on her bed inside her 1st MR quarter this morning at around 6am.

According to a source, the woman has been identified as A Ashisha, 58 wife of (L) Saleo Mao of Mao, Senapati district. The dead body has been handed over to the family members after conducting a post mortem at the RIMS, the source added.


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