ALTOS counters KCP-MC allegations


From Kaimuanthang
LAMKA, April 7: The All Lamka Taxi Owners` Society has submitted a memorandum to the Chief Minister of the state urging him to intervene into the issue concerning their parking slots and the constant harassment meted out to them by the bus owners. The memorandum has also threatened that incase of the Chief Minister’s failure to settle the case by April 12, the society will imposed an indefinite bandh along the Tedim road.

The ALTOS in its memorandum has stated today that the Bus owners have always been disturbing the taxi owners and added that they have not been able to get any proper and permanent places as dropping and picking centres of their passengers along the Imphal-CHurachandpur road.

It has further said that sometimes the Taxis are made to park at Kangla Park and then all of a sudden they are made to shift to Keishampat, which has not only affected the Taxi owners’ business but has also created inconveniences to the passengers.

The ALTOS memorandum has further charged that even though they have never sought help from any UG outfits on the issue, the bus owners after establishing a nexus with a UG trying to drive them to the brink.

The taxi owners have even been charged with various concocted charges like holding them responsible for the recent bus burning incident.

Citing all such issues, the ALTOS memorandum has demanded the Chief Minister to settle the issue before April 12 or the Taxi owners’ society will impose an indefinite bandh along the said road which will create more problems for the commuters.

In another press communique the ALTOS charged the bus owners for tying up with the KCP (MC) Nongdrenkhomba group and even accused of orchestrating the recent burning incident of the bus leading to the death of the two handymen inside the bus during the bandh between 24to 27 March last.

Condemning the KCP for the news publication carried today by some local dailies charging three leaders of the ALTOS as responsible for the bus burning it urged them to give the proof of how they were involved in such act.

It has further said that ALTOS members are ready to help any move to identify the culprits while terming the KCP of being bias as they took only one side of the version and not theirs.

The release has further condemned the perpetrators of the incident.


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