Prepaid consumers eat up postpaid voltage


IMPHAL, April 23: Since introduction of pre-paid meters in Paona Bazar and Thangal Bazar, employees of the state Power department has begun clearing the connection cobwebs alongside electric posts and distribution points.

It may be recalled here that, power supply cables have gone underground for the pre-paid systems with distribution points sticking out from the grounds at intervals.

However, in its effort to ensure 16 hours power supply to the pre-paid consumers in the Bazar area by the Power department, power consumers outside the Bazar are suffering.

Before the introduction of prepaid system, the voltage received by power consumers ranged from 210 to 230 Volts while it should really be 240 Volts. But now, the voltage received by consumers outside the Bazar area has gone down at 110 to 120 Volts which is practically useless.

While one cannot run any electric appliances at the said voltage range, it is against the supply code of the Power department. According to the power supply code, the voltage received should not go under 200 Volts.

IFP received several complaints regarding the low voltage.

O Basanta of Nagamapal complained, ‘If a stabliser has to be used for every appliance, where is the use of power supply.’

Another major complaint is the deceit regarding power supply. Consumers are supposed to receive 2 hours of power supply during the day and 4 hours during the peak hour on days when there is no load shedding.

A Meiraba of Nambul Mapal said, ‘We are getting only one and half hour of power supply with a break of half hour in between during daytime and 3 hours during the peak hour at night with a break of one hour.’

Several consumers have complained that, the power often goes at 7 pm when the DDK Imphal exactly begins its daily news service and this is unfair to poor families who could not afford cable service.


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