PREPAK blames Indian govt for continuation of AFSPA


IMPHAL, April 3: The proscribed PREPAK today accused the Indian government of attemting to extinguishing the people of Kangleipak (Manipur) by continued imposition of AFSPA, 1958.

The UN Special Rap-porteur on extra judicial, summary or arbitrary executions prof. Christof Heyns, who had categorically told the media in New Delhi that there was no role of military act like AFSPA in democracy and that such Act should be repealed from the region, was barred from visiting Manipur by the Indian government, Leibak Ngakpa Luwang, assistant secretary, publicity and propaganda of PREPAK said in a statement.

Although the apex court of India ruled that the inhuman law, the AFSPA was a constitutionally guaranteed Act on November 27, 1997, the statement made by UN Rapporteur Christof Heyns regarding AFSPA has exposed that the Indian government is engaging in an ethnic cleansing policy over the Kangleichas (Manipuris) with an objective to displace the people of this land and keep the boundary of the country intact, PREPAK alleged.

Many of the MPs had objected that AFSPA, which based on the armed forces special powers ordinance (AFSPO) by the British in 1942 to encounter the revolutionary movement in India, would violate human rights even as former Manipur Mp L Achou had also stated that the Act was a lawless Act.

Stating that Jiban Reddy Committee, which was set up to observe AFSPA, was formed by the colonist India and not by private individuals or organizations. It is now quite necessary to remove the Act by the government of India as the Jiban Reddy Committee had on June 6, 2005 recommended the then home minister of India to repeal it.


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