Protests continue against kidnap


IMPHAL, April 27: Demands for the safe release of Don Bosco Chingmeirong student T Rahul continued today with locals of Sangakpham, Poumai Colony, Meira Paibis and club members of NEROCA and LKYDA staging a sit-in-protest cum public meeting at the school gates today.

Placing a deadline for April 27 for the safe release of the student, the locals further resolved during the public meeting which followed the sit in protest at the same venue to initiate a strong agitation in collaboration with civil societies, student bodies and other like-minded organizations of the state.

During the sit in protest, the agitators demanded the safe release of the boy and further appealed to all concerned to make schools a free zone and not to disturb the educational environment in the state.

The locals also hold placards reading, ‘Don’t kidnap for ransom’, ‘Make us free from fear’, ‘We want mercy’, ‘No demands please’, ‘Being human, be humane’ etc.

The agitators further resolved to appeal through the local media to all concern to release the boy at the earliest considering the sorry plight of the family members, friends and others.

Meanwhile, it may be mentioned that various local dailies had reported that the school authorities had denied receiving any ransom demand for the safe release of the boy from anyone.


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