Three palaeolithic era caves, tools discovered


IMPHAL, April 3: Three new caves belonging to the Old Stone Age have been discovered near Sajik Tampak in Chandel district of Manipur by a joint expert team of Archaelogical Survey of India, Manipur University and DM College of Science.

During the excavation carried out in March, the expert team also found many tools used during the Old Stone Age (Palaeolithic Age). Things such as charcoal and a number of small fragmented pots were also found, apart from various kinds of bones and sea snails, stated a press statement of the director, excavation Khomunnom.

Phuikon Ningthou Cave is located about 11 km from Sajik Tampak and that there are another three caves—Phuikon Haosapu Cave, Phuikon Haosabee Cave and Haosabee Daughter’s Cave– in the vicinity of the Phuikon Ningthou Cave. Haoshabi Daughter’s Cave is the most beautiful cave among them and considered as the house of daughters, the statement added.

During the expedition, as many as 27 stone tools were found. However, only carbon-dating will be able to determine the age they were used. But, experts say there is no doubt that the tools belong to Paleolithic Era, the release added.

Khomunnom Cave is located behind the Khomunnom village under a water fall and it is 100 ft in length, 21 ft in breadth and 7 ft in height and at the edge the area of the cave covers four ft. The lateral meaning of the word ‘Khomnnom’ is old village.

It has further added that this cave was explored 29 years ago following which a complete excavation work had been carried out under the guidance of ASI, New Delhi.

Early tools resembling to ones used before millions of years in Africa were also found at the cave, the release informed.

It would not be long before the period of the tools is ascertained which will further help established about when man had started to settled in the area, the release added.

IG Assam Rifles (South), DIG, 26 Sector Assam Rifles and 35 Bn Assam Rifles rendered help during the expedition of the expert team by providing shelter, medicines and many others.

The excavation team also expressed heartfelt gratitude to the villagers residing along Kanat River, Khmunnom village king and members of Kuki Students’ Union for their great help.

The team further thanked ASI Guwahati, DDK Imphal, AIR Imphal, editors and Thingujam Munindro Singh and chanam Ajit Singh and many other who provided financial assistance for the expedition.


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