Tiddim indefinite strike begins


From Kaimuanthang
LAMKA April 14:  The ALTOS in a press statement issued today stated that the steps taken by the KSO to settle their problems with the Bus Owners through the state government and then stop the propose bandh along the Tiddim road yielded no positive and as such the bandh will continue for an indefinite period of time as was announced earlier till an amicable and lasting settlement is brought about on the issue.

It said ALTOS demands a permanent and proper parking places preferably at Nitaipat Chuthek near the Governor`s gate as dropping and picking centres and proper service timing from the government besides others and had given April 12 as the deadline for the state government, warning to take its own course of action incase of the government’s failure.

On the other hand it has thanked all passenger vehicles for their cooperation today by staying off the road.


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