Why no AFSPA in Maoist-infested areas? asks Omar Abdullah


SRINAGAR, Apr 22 (Agencies): Drawing a parallel with insurgency in Maoist-infested areas, Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah has said his state should be given a choice on revoking the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) from some areas.

“If Maoist-infested states can choose not to use the army, why can`t my state choose not to use it in some areas?” Omar wrote on micro-blogging site Twitter.

“I want to know why no one is demanding AFSPA in these areas when they are so keen to see it continue in J&K,” he said.

The chief minister, however, dismissed suggestions that he was supporting the use of army to tackle Maoists.

“I’m not. I`m asking why those making a big deal about it in my state are happy to be quiet in this case with a worse problem.”


  1. Every citizen of India is equal in the eyes of the law…  this can be judge in practical term … the imposition of AFESPA in JK & NE shows that we are lesser citizen of India 2nd class citizen… New Delhi should let the cat out of the bag… they should explain this …. we should bring this issue again and again in all forums National and International/// until this is resolved… salute to Omar


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