KOHIMA, May 2 (NEPS): Muaythai Federation of India (MFI) will once again conduct the exciting 13th IFMA India National MuaythaiChampionship 2012 from July 7 to July 9, 2012 at Chennai. MFI Unit Body in Tamil Nadu, Tamil Nadu Amateur Muaythai Association, will host this historic IFMA India National Muaythai Championship series that will be participated by over 500 players and officials from across the country. Ministers, International Sports personalities, Indian Olympic officials, IFMA leaders, are among others who will attend this prestigious 13th IFMA India National Muaythai Championship 2012 at Chennai.
This Championship is also the “Qualifiers” for the upcoming “World Muaythai Championship 2012” to be held from September 5 to 13, 2012 at St. Petersburg, Russia.
The Championship will be held under the supervision of MFI President Oken Jeet Sandham, besides host of IFMA Qualified Referees and Judges would conduct the bouts.
The Tournament will have various Divisions for Male, Female, Junior and Sub-Junior. Only one team from one state is allowed and also only one fighter in one weight category is allowed from a State. Only MFI Member states are invited to this historic event at Chennai. For details, kindly visit MFI Official Website: www.mfimuaythaiindia.org, Email: mfi_muaythaiindia@yahoo.com or president_mfimuaythaiindia@yahoo.com. Contact No. (M) (91) 8974036144