Name of the examination: Conducted By:
Higher Secondary Examination 2012 Council of Higher Secondary Education, Manipur
(Result expected on 11 May 2012 by 4pm)
High School Leaving Certificate Examination 2012 Board of Secondary Education, Manipur
(Result expected on 11 May 2012 by 6pm)
The Manipur Examinations Results official site also stated the following disclaimer:
Disclaimer: Neither NIC,Board of Secondary Education Manipur nor Council of Higher Secondary Education, Manipur is responsible for any inadvertent error that may have crept in the results being published on NET.The results published on net are for immediate information to the examinees. These cannot be treated as original mark sheets. Original marksheets will be issued by the Board or Council separately.
Sites to follow for the results:
Manipur Examination Results – Official Site
Results.Gov.In – Gateway to exam results of India
We will be updating the site with more information as we get.
On behalf of everyone we wish everyone eagerly waiting for the results a very best and Good Luck!
* The Information provided is for guidance, we recommend the viewers to check the official results with the official website or authorities