Huawei Maitree Scholarship Program 2012 – for Indian Undergraduate and Graduate Students who wish to pursue higher studies in China



In its endeavor to foster the spirit of innovation and scholarship in every discipline, Huawei has instituted “Huawei Maitree Scholarship Program 2012” to aid Indian undergraduate and graduate students who wish to pursue higher studies in China. This initiative aims at bringing about a better understanding, appreciation and friendship between the youth of India and China. Under this scholarship program, 10 scholarships will be provided every year to select Indian students for undergraduate and post graduate studies in China. Huawei believes that the scholarship would help the students dedicate themselves to the pursuit of excellence which would be instrumental in shaping their careers.

Guidelines for Huawei Maitree Scholarship 2012

Applications are invited from Indian nationals for the award of Huawei Scholarship tenable for the academic year 2012 – 2013 for aspiring graduate and post graduate studies in credible and reputed institutions in China preferably in the emerging areas of science and technology, culture and social studies and development related programs.


TThe duration of scholarship will be for one academic year, renewable for every new academic session till the completion of the course. For renewal of scholarship, the recipient will have to satisfy the criteria of 80% marks in the previous academic year.

Scholarship Value

Each scholarship covers the student’s full tuition fee and living expenses for the duration of his or her study in China.

How to Apply

Candidates must satisfy the following criteria to avail Huawei Scholarship:

  • The candidate must be Indian citizen, resident in India and upto 32 years of age as on April 1,2012 in the year of the Scholarship.
  • The candidate must not have any criminal charges pending in a court of law in India or elsewhere.
  • The candidate should have a good academic track record.
  • The candidate must have independently gained admission to a reputed University/College/Institution in China at the time of applying the Scholarship.
  • The candidate must undertake not to avail of any other corporate or Government scholarship or assistance for the same programme of study in China.

In addition to the above, the Candidate’s personality, aptitude and academic purpose will be important factors guiding the expert panel to the final selection.All the applications received will be placed before the Selection Committee. The Committee will, after screening the applications, shortlist candidates for the Final Interview. The Selection Committee comprises of individuals of repute and eminence. The decision for the annual award of Scholarships is based on the recommendations of the Selection Committee. The recommendations are made based on merit, character, aptitude and the purpose of the study.

Application Procedure
  • The candidate should submit his application only online through, giving complete and accurate details about his/her school and university education, awards, post graduate research work, professional experience (if any) and a statement of purpose.
  • The candidate should provide references from two persons of repute preferably academicians and teachers.
  • Proof of admission in a university/institute in China.
  • A statement of purpose (not exceeding 300 words) substantiating the stream of study the candidate wishes to pursue.
  • Any other proof of credentials the candidate may deem important.

All the applications received will be placed before the Selection Committee. The Committee will, after screening the applications, shortlist candidates for the Final Interview. The Selection Committee comprises of individuals of repute and eminence. The decision for the annual award of Scholarships is based on the recommendations of the Selection Committee. The recommendations are made based on merit, character, aptitude and the purpose of the study.

Visit : for full details

* The above information is sent to KanglaOnline by Thangjam Robert Singh, Ph.D, Assistant Professor , Department of Biotechnology , Mizoram University
Aizawl – 796004, India
email: robth{at}mzu{dot}edu{dot}in


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