Admission Counselling by Manipur Students’ Association Delhi


Office of the

Manipur Students’ Association Delhi (MSAD)


ApunbanaYaiphare; Unity is Victory

e-mail: msad.manipur[at]  Website:

Ref: 2012 MSAD 01062012/PR

Admission Counselling

Press release

Dated: 01-06-2012

The Manipur Students’ Association Delhi (MSAD) is going to hold academic as well as admission counselling for the academic session 2012-2013 for admission to various courses in the colleges of the University of Delhi.

A counselling cell will be opened at Ram Lal Paul Higher Secondary School, Imphal West (from 4th June 2011 to 6th June 2012 between 9.30 a.m. to 3 p.m.)

For its Delhi cell, MSAD will hold telephonic counselling as well as helpdesk at Arts Faculty, Delhi

University, North Campus (between 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.).

Volunteers of MSAD will be available at the following helpline numbers from 4th June to 18th June, 2012:


(With this, MSAD takes the opportunity to congratulate Mohammad Ismat, son of Md. Bashiur Rahman of Lilong Haoreibi Mayai Leikai, for having topped the CBSE Class XII Examination 2012 in all India category. He is the first ever from Manipur to achieve such a feat. We would like to wish him a bright and happy future ahead.)


With warm regards,

Md Shafikul Haque

President, MSAD
Apunbana Yaipharae
(Unity is Victory)
Manipur Students’ Association Delhi
(Estd. 1971)


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