Condemn by Delhi Association for Manipuri Muslim Students, Delhi (DAMMS)


Delhi Association for Manipuri Muslim Students, Delhi (DAMMS) strongly condemn the publication of our Prophet Muhammad’s photo (SWA) in a book published by Prime Publications and authored by B. Jaisal. DAMMS support with full force the mass condemnation by all Manipuri Muslims inside and outside Manipur against this senseless and unfortunate incident which challenges the faith of millions of Muslims following Islam around the globe. DAMMS support the protests against the publication fully.
DAMMS seriously sends a clear message to the Publication House and the author not to repeat the same or alike heinous act(s) in future that hurts the feelings of Muslims and challenge our fundamental belief and faith. Though we acknowledge the apology for the same incident from the owner of the Publication House, we urge the Publication House to take cautious note in future before publishing such thing anywhere.


* The news is sent by Muhammed Mustafa, can be reached at damms12{at}


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