Farmers sensitized on bank loans


IMPHAL, June 2: The Manipur Rural Bank, Lamlong Branch today organised a Joint Liability Groups Sensitization-cum-Credit Linkage programme at the Leimakhong Mapal Community hall.

The programme jointly organised by the MRB Lamlong branch and Peoples Development Society was sponsored by the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development, NABARD, regional office Manipur.

In his key-note address, secretary PDS, Th Biramangol Singh said that the Joint Liability Group was introduced in the state in the year 2007 by the State Youth Centre Programme, however it is yet to be fully termed a success.

He expressed that the reason for its introduction was to ease the efforts of the farmers in trying to get loans.

General Manager NABARD, regional office, Manipur SV Nemlekar expressed the need of providing loans to the farmers to increase productivity.

Highlighting the farmers and the Farmers Club’s role for the programme’s success, he urged the farmers not forget to repay their loans and make the programme more successful.

He also said that JLG is one of the many ways of helping the farmers. Through the JLG, the farmers can obtain personal or joint loans in an easy way.

He also elaborated on the Kishan Credit Card which is renewable after every five years.

The Kishan Credit Card provides credit delivery, provision of personal accident insurance scheme among other benefits.

The regional NABARD General Manager also said NABARD will help the farmers promote the JLG.

Meanwhile, chairman Manipur Rural Bank in his presidential speech expressed the need of sensitizing the farmers on the JLG.

Elaborating on the JLG, he said a group of people can ask for a joint loan; however they should be from the same family of the same village.

Once all the members of the group repay their respective portions, the loan will be considered fully repaid, he continued.

Programme co-ordinator KVK, Thoubal, Dr M Thoithoi Singh and chief co-ordinator Pidonu Farmers Club M Ranbir Singh also attended the function.


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