Inspired living


By Wangkheimayum Bhupendra Singh
A society and its people need inspiration to grow and cultivate a sense of oneness. The ability to draw inspiration from another without any egotism and hesitation would draw the persons involved closer and help develop the society. However, in a society full of mistrust and where every other incident bemoans of allegations and counter allegations, the youths surely don’t have many avenues to draw their inspiration from. Trust among the people residing in a society should be treated with utmost importance for their own survival and growth. Inspiration would naturally come out if we allow trust to grow among us. While our society has a fair share of inspirational source in all fields including arts, culture, history and games to name a few, if we look at the present context, our youths have been certainly deprived of its benefits. As a people, we are in such a stage that we could be easily herded around by some towards wrongly interpreted goals. We have been made accustomed to moans of desires for insubstantial or selfish dividends, that we are unable to consider the others. Unless we act together and drive out the divide wedged amongst us, our own survival could become dubious.

We have amongst us individuals who are role models all over the world in various fields inspiring millions around the world. Individuals group together and form a society drawing inspiration from one another in the process. The growth or maturation of a society as such depends largely, if not solely, on an individual’s capacity to draw inspiration from one another and catapult one’s life though with a collective effort. The key is to boost success in the lives of each of the individuals to cultivate the growth of society. And for its success, a source of inspiration is very much compulsory. While the desire to succeed as an individual should be cultivated, it should not be mistaken for one’s growth at the expense of others. We are however witnessing groups of people bemoaning every action of others and complaining about being left out from the scheme of things. The key should be equal participation of all and drawing inspiration from one another.

To sum it all, individual success clubbed with the desire to inspire others lead to growth of the society and for that the individuals need to be inspired; inspired to be able to bring out the best in oneself. For inspirations to bud out and for the society to grow, a peaceful and serene environment is needed. Romantic poets drew their inspiration from utopias and in childhood innocence and nature. Persy Bysshe Shelly is said to have wrote his famous ‘Ode to the West wind’ in the woods on the outskirts of Arno near Florence drawing inspiration from the winds. While our society has in abundance such inspirational source for the taking if we dare to look beyond our cocooned life or mind, our society lacks the source of moral inspiration. Certainly the time has come for us all to shed all inhibitions and egoism and inspire and be inspired with one another for a better tomorrow.


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