Kharif campaign in Chandel


IMPHAL, June 5: A Kharif campaign was organized by Krishi Bigyan Kendra, Chandel under the aegis of ICAR at Christian village of Chandel district on Tuesday.

At the campaign, WNG Kohring Victor, MLA of Chandel constituency, Dr IM, senior scientist and Dr Narendra Prakash graced as chief guest, president and guest of honour.

During the campaign, seeds, poultry and fishery items were distributed to a number of farmers. MLA Kohring Victor appealed to all the farmers participated at the campaign to use all the distributed items carefully.

The MLA also assured the farmers that all the necessary items required by them would be provided.

Dr Narendra Prakash said, “Works taken up by Krishi Bigyan are good enough. The happiness of the farmers is everyone’s happiness and if they are satisfied, we are satisfied as well.” He also maintained that it is utmost necessary to render support to the farmers.

Dr IM also assured that Krishi Bigyan Kendra, Chandel would extend possible help to the farmers. Although there are only 10 staff members in the district Krishi Bigyan Kendra, persistent efforts are on to help the farmers. DR IM also said this is the right time for farming in the fields.

He also urged the farmers to spread the news of the Kharif campaign to other farmers, saying such campaign would be organized in the district in future too.


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