State lawyers to meet Union Law Minister


IMPHAL, June 23: The cease work strike launched by lawyers of High Court Bar Association, Manipur (HCBAM) entered its 13th day on Saturday and its representatives are likely to meet with Union Law Minister to push its demand.

The striking lawyers are demanding the government to appoint judges from the state Bar and Bench for the proposed separate High Court of Manipur and not from outside states.

Sources said the representatives of HCBAM met with the state Law Minister Th Devendra yesterday during which the minister was pressed by the representatives of the association to seek an official appointment from New Delhi for them to meet the Union law Minister.

Meanwhile, according to an official notification issued by Registrar of the Guahati High Court, Imphal Bench yesterday, it has been informed that the court would have summer vacation from June 25 to July 2.

However, the court will remain open on June 27-28 as usual and petitioners who want to file their cases can come to the court office during working hours. All the cases should be filed or submitted to the Filing Section of the court, the notification mentioned.


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