IMPHAL, June 23: A large number of students today staged a protest at Merina Beach, Chennai on June 22 in memory of Okram Laaba.

He was studying BCA in the Hindustan College of Arts and Science, Rajiv Gandhi Salai (MOR) Padur Kellambakham, Chennai- 600 020.Okram Indramani father of (L) Laaba had said post mortem report reveals cause of death as suffocation and viscera negative of drug and poisoning.
He denied the theory of suicide due to some reasons which included among other things the reason that the deceased left for Imphal for joining his hostel for his second year BCA course at HCAS on June 12, 2011 and he had about Rs 25000 on his person in cash however by the time of his death only Rs 20 was found from him.
The right arm of the body was found completely dislocated at the shoulder joint at the time of preparing the body for performing the last rites. He received the post mortem report only in the month of December last year and the report revealed that the deceased would appear to have died of suffocation and viscera negative for drug or other poison and it may be reasonably assumed that this nature of injury could definitely not have been self-inflicted.
The deceased as well as his room-mate one Ayappam did not stay in their A/C fitted rooms on the previous night of his demise i.e. on June 22.
Okram Indramani also informed that his roommate Ayappan and hostel warden K. Balasubramaniam are the two suspects in connection with the death of his son and he appealed all including the student organizations to extend co-operation in connection with the death of the student.
Student bodies from Manipur, family members had repeatedly requested Tamil Nadu government to take up appropriate action.
The students who protested today shouted slogans demanding arrest of those involved in the incident.