Suspected militants burn van, plant bombs


IMPHAL, June 15: Suspected militants torched a Tata Winger van and placed another Chinese hand grenade at a residence in Phubala Makha Leikai under Moirang Police Station in Bishnupur district, police sources said here Friday.

In yet another similar bomb threat incident, a powerful Chinese hand grenade was found planted at a residence in Moirang Phiwangbam Leikai.

Police sources said unidentified suspected militants torched a Tata Winger van, apart from planting a powerful Chinese hand grenade at the residence of one Haorungbam Romeo, 36, son of late H Tomba at Phubala Makha Ward No-III.

The incident happened around 2:30 pm today.

They believed the banned KCP (MC) Nongdrenkhomba was involved in the incident, police said, adding that the bomb has been retrieved by a police bomb squad.

Suspected militants planted a powerful Chinese hand grenade inside an autorickshaw at the residence of one Ngangbam Ranjan, 50, son of late NG Babu in Moirang Phiwangbam Leikai.

The bomb was found around 8:30 pm last night. Police later recovered the bomb, saying they believed the crime was committed by militants belonging to the proscribed PREPAK. 


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