Unclaimed body


IMPHAL, June 13: An unidentified male body which has been lying unclaimed for the past three days at RIMS mortuary will be disposed of tomorrow, police said today.

He was found lying in an unconscious state by a team of City Police on June 10 near the western gate of Kangla fort here. Later he died at RIMS the next day reportedly due to opium overdose.

Meanwhile, the body of Nanao, a suspected militant who was gunned down by troops of 33 Assam Rifles during an encounter at Wangoo Parking on June 9, has been handed over to his family after conducting autopsy at RIMS mortuary on Wednesday.

The JAC formed against the killing of Nanao told IFP that the body was taken as local MLA S Bira has taken the responsibility of the government with regard to meeting of its demands.

However, the JAC said it will take up agitation from June 16 if the demands are not fulfilled within June 15.

A sit-in-protest was staged at Wangoo Leingoubi Community Hall against the killing of Nanao. The protest was participated by around 200 local women.


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