Agri Minister should resign: BJP


IMPHAL, July 24: The Bharatiya Janata Party Kishan Morcha Manipur Pradesh has asked for the resignation of Agriculture Minister accusing him as unfit for the post.          

According to a release of the party, the ruling congress government led by O Ibobi Singh has become a government who has no concern for the poor farmers. As of now the rainfall in the state is 40 percent less than the normal. At this present situation it is very unfortunate that instead of declaring drought in the state the cabinet meeting convened yesterday has resolved to take one more week time.

Accusing the Agriculture Minister as unfit, the Bharatiya Janata Party Kishan Morcha Manipur Pradesh has asked for his resignation. It further continued that the Agriculture Minister who had announced earlier to come up with an adequate solution before July 15 is now idle. Now he is fooling around making false promises with the farmers. The party has also urged the Chief Minister to take immediate action to relief the worried farmers.

Meanwhile, it can be noted that a team of the cabinet Sub-Committee who inspected Kumbi Kendra of Bishnupur District has announced earlier that the Kumbi Kendra is the most affected area in the state, it said.

The BJP Kishan Morch has inspected the area. Kumbi Kendra could have been saved from the drought if the Minor Irrigation Department and Agriculture Department were little co-operative towards the farmers, it further said.

There is sufficient water at Thangjing Ching and Khuga River. Pump Houses for Minor Irrigations were found with spider nets, if these pump houses were operated from June last then those areas also could have been saved from drought. Likewise, many areas in the state could have been saved from the drought, if the government acted on time. Now it is too late. Agriculture Department has completely failed in fulfilling its purpose.

The BJP Kishan Morcha has strongly condemned the O Ibobi led SPF and Congress government, who have already completed 10 years of governance in the state, for not undertaking any developmental work for irrigation.


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