Please read the document created to spread awareness on the KEN-Manipur (Knowledge Exchange Network) Initiative meant for global Manipuris with the support of Govt of Manipur and central Indian govt.

* One of the important points in the document: What action item should I do now about KEN-Manipur initiative?
Log on to to register with your basic professional profile information.
– Select “Groups” in right hand side drop down menu, enter “Overseas Manipuris”, click “Search” button. Or, Shortcut link is

– Start discussing with fellow Manipuris by joining interested domains and connect to like-minded Manipuri professionals
– Also provide input to web-forum administrators on how we can plan seminars in Pravashi Bharatiya Divas (PBD) 2013 at Kerala
– Contact for sharing your any inputs towards the KEN-Manipur initiative.
– Interested Manipuris can also request to join the online Skype conference conducted periodically among the team behind the KEN-Manipur initiative working to realise a final dedicated KEN-Manipur website.
Also, provide your intention to attend the PBD 2013 (likely to be in Kerala) on 7-9 Jan as a presenter or as a participant or as a resource person, etc. We will require a sizeable number of Manipuri attendees to inspire and empower Manipur state govt in organising Manipur state specific programs with support from OIFC during the PBD 2013 (likely to be in Kerala). Govt of Manipur may extend financial travel assistance to Overseas Manipuris (e.g. INR 20,000 as in the past PBD visit) and also to Manipuris (Researchers/Scientists/Professionals) within India.
KEN-Manipur Initiative Team
1) What is ‘KEN-Manipur initiative’?
It is an initiative to create a web-based interactive platform for Manipuris to effectively engage in an environment of professionalism and theme-wise discussion for the socio-economic development of Manipur and Manipuris across the globe. It is also to enable global Manipuris to contact and share knowledge with higher officials in the relevant ministries within Govt of Manipur. Thus, KEN-Manipur is aimed towards building a Public-Private-Partnership for exchange of knowledge and investment for the benefit of Manipuris and Manipur.
2) How is KEN-Manipur going to be different from already existing social or professional organisations for Manipuris?
It is of its first kind to enable theme-wise professional engagement among Manipuris residing in various global locations along with add-on direct interaction opportunity to Manipur State Govt officials in relevant ministries for any feasible support. It is about building a system to allow Manipuri professionals residing locally/nationally/overseas to contribute their expertise for socio-economic development projects in Manipur in conjunction with the support of higher officials in various ministries within Govt of Manipur. (1) Access to a huge experts database in specific domains within’ KEN-Manipur’ including access of expertise support across other industry/social domains instantaneously, and (2) Presence of a closely knitted structure for direct interaction between Manipuri Professionals and higher officials in Govt of Manipur, are the distinct features of how ‘KEN-Manipur’ is different from already existing social or professional organisation for Manipuris. Thus, it is about creating a network for Manipuri Professionals rather than a project execution by itself; yet it enables whoever is interested to find partners and experts among Manipuris to undertake socio-economic development projects within Manipur/abroad benefiting Manipuris.
3) How may KEN-Manipur look like when the concept is fully implemented?
From an user’s perspective: Any Manipuri can register in the KEN-Manipur website and then get signed up further in the specific domain areas to participate in discussion/knowledge share wherein he/she is interested to engage with fellow Manipuri professionals (including state govt officials).
From Govt’s perspective: Since domains for knowledge exchange activities in KEN-Manipur are to be created with a mapping approach to departments/ministries in the Govt of Manipur, relevant Govt officials can see/hear/know various innovations and ideas discussed among Manipuri Professionals in that particular domain. Govt officials (from a specific ministry in the state govt) can send out periodic updates to appropriate Manipuri professionals about activities/projects undertaken by Govt and hence achieving the purpose of reaching out to the intended target audience among Manipuri people effectively. Also, govt officials will be able to recognise vast number of Manipuri professionals in global locations with whom each govt ministry can work along for the socio-economic development of Manipur.
From KEN-Manipur Administrator’s perspective: The KEN-Manipur web-platform needs to be managed appropriately so that the services and benefits of this networking platform are sustained. Moderation of each domain in the KEN-Manipur may be allowed to selected volunteers who are professionals in that domain and to one official from the relevant ministry in Govt of Manipur; while the entire web-management of KEN-Manipur may be done by few chosen designated Manipuris who have the knowledge of network building and stakeholders engagement, along with few higher officials in the Govt of Manipur’s administrative services.
Thus, KEN-Manipur may become a Public-Private Partnership initiative (integrated with various ministries in the govt of Manipur) wherein people (i.e. professionals) take main lead roles to execute socio-economic development projects with support role by govt officials in the background.
4) Whose is KEN-Manipur for and what is in it for me?
KEN-Manipur is for usage by
• Academic and Research Institutions in Manipur (e.g. Manipur University, Central Agricultural University, Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development, etc) – towards building industry-academia relationship, technology transfer, student internship/employment, research project partnership, professional training, industry tour program, international collaboration, exchange of students and staffs, etc
• Departments / ministries in the govt of Manipur – towards indentifying who is who among Manipuris in each expertise domain relevant to the state govt officials in various ministries, connecting to Manipuri professionals residing in various global locations, involving Manipuri people/experts in the project planning and execution of Govt’s new development ventures, promoting Manipur’s prestige at global locations (about history, culture, industry, etc), reaching out to intended audience directly by respective govt departments instead of mass advert without any orientation, enabling creation of various public-private partnership projects, looking out for investment from private individuals and firms (including Foreign Direct Investment), etc
• Working Professionals (esp. Manipuris and well-wishers of Manipur) residing in global locations – towards expertise contribution in social responsible projects in Manipur and abroad voluntarily, grooming personal brand among global Manipuris in addition to expanding own professional career network, finding new project and business opportunities by meeting like-minded professionals, learning new value-added skills by involving in various projects proposed by individuals/teams in various KEN-Manipur domains, getting recognised in the expertise areas by state govt officials, etc
• Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) in Manipur, and Corporate firms outside Manipur – towards creating supply chain network for expanding business growth in global locations, getting access to best Manipuri brains/professionals in Manipur and abroad, conducting joint trade exhibitions in global locations for mutual benefits, providing collective feedback to concerned govt ministries on acts/policies that impacts business of local SMEs and Corporate firms in Manipur, etc.
5) How does KEN-Manipur initiative come up?
KEN-Manipur initiative came out of follow-on discussions among overseas Manipuris who had participated in the 9th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas (PBD) held at New Delhi on 7-9 Jan 2011. The PBD 2011 was organised by the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs (MOIA) in partnership with the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER) and the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) with special emphasis on the eight North-eastern states of India. The intention for KEN-Manipur initiative was initially to try answering ‘how can overseas Manipuris contribute to the socio-economic development of Manipur?’ by sharing global experiences of Manipuri professionals back to local Manipuris and Manipur. In due course, the scope of KEN-Manipur initiative got expanded to become a web-platform for all Manipuris globally (i.e. inclusive of those within Manipur, outside Manipur but within India, and outside India) and also for well-wishers of Manipur.
6) What has been done so far on the KEN-Manipur initiative?
During PBD 2011, representatives of Overseas Manipuris (namely Lakshmikanta Laikangbam from Boston, USA – IT Professional, Shanjoy Mairembam from London, UK – Business Strategy Consultant, and Bishwajeet Okram from Ireland – Financial Controller) hold extensive discussions with senior officials from state govt of Manipur and central ministry of DoNER on what activities overseas Manipuris can contribute, and what state and central govts can provide as support to projects initiated by Overseas Manipuris towards socio-economic development of Manipur. The Overseas Manipuris team also attended a special conference organised just only for overseas Indians from North East India which was chaired by ‘Sam Pitroda – Advisor to the Prime Minister of India on Public Information Infrastructure & Innovations’. Sam Pitroda briefly explained the vision behind the implementation of National Innovation Council, State Innovation Council, and Sectoral Innovation Council. He encouraged the overseas Indians from native North East Indian states to engage proactively with respective state governments in North East India to enable rapid socio-economic growth in North East regions.
After returning from PBD 2011, the overseas Manipuris team hold series of web-conferences with various stakeholders (including higher officials from Govt of Manipur and Ministry of DoNER) to create an appropriate mechanism so that every overseas Manipuri can contribute without much hassles voluntarily (if willing to do so). Oinam Nabakishore Singh (IAS, Principal Secretary – Department of Commerce & Industries, Sericulture – Govt of Manipur) championed the continuous engagement with the overseas Manipuris team to convert the concepts into reality since PBD 2011 interaction. Under the advice of DS Poonia (IAS, Chief Secretary – Government of Manipur) and support from Overseas Indian Facilitation Centre (OIFC), a conference was held at State Guest House, Imphal on 6th Oct 2011 to continue discussion on the ways of contribution by Overseas Manipuris and it was chaired by Oinam Nabakishore Singh (IAS, Principal Secretary). Shanjoy Mairembam (London, UK) was invited in the conference as resource person and a presentation was delivered on “Contribution to socio-economic development of Manipur by Overseas Manipuris via Knowledge Exchange Networks (KENs)”. The conference was attended by around 15-20 high ranking officers from various state govt departments (e.g. Commerce and Industries, Information Technology, Science and Technology, Education (S), Education (U), Art and Culture, Planning, etc), 5-6 representatives from academic and research institutions (e.g. Manipur University, Central Agricultural University, Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development, etc), few representatives from media (e.g. ISTV, DDK-Imphal, Sangai Express, etc), few representatives from local entrepreneurs (e.g. All Manipur Entrepreneurs’ Association, etc).
In post Oct 2011 conference, Oinam Nabakishore Singh (IAS, Principal Secretary) updated Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs about the successful conduct of the Imphal conference and learning experiences out of the discussion among the attendees. Henceforth, as a short tem measure, a dedicated web-forum titled ‘Overseas Manipuris’ was created on the website of OIFC so that any overseas Manipuris who are willing to contribute voluntarily towards socio-economic development of Manipur can signed up for interaction among like-minded Manipuris. The support from overseas regional associations of Manipuris (such as North American Manipur Association – NAMA, European Manipuri Association – EMA, Manipur Canada Association – MAC, etc) are sought to urge fellow Manipuris living abroad to sign-up on the OIFC web-forum for ‘Overseas Manipuris’. The long term plan on the KEN-Manipur initiative is aimed towards creating a dedicated website for all Manipuris (covering local, national and overseas residents). The technical implementation activity of KEN-Manipur website may be undertaken either by National Informatics Centre under the central Ministry of Communications and Information Technology’s Department of Information Technology, or Manipur Government (being outsourced to some companies). Later on, the final KEN-Manipur website may be managed by selected officials in govt of Manipur or by delegated group created under Public Private Partnership model with the global Manipuri professionals.
7) What is the current status of KEN-Manipur initiative?
The immediate step for KEN-Manipur initiative is to increase the number of membership registration on ‘Overseas Manipuris’ web-forum in the OIFC website by Overseas Manipuris and Manipuris within India. This is to convince state govt of Manipur on the growing genuine interest of global Manipuris to contribute towards socio-economic development through a knowledge exchange network for Manipuris. A number of members on OIFC web-forum around 200-300 will urge Manipur state govt officials to take up the creation of a dedicated KEN-Manipur website sooner than later.
8) What is being planned for Pravashi Bharatiya Divas 2013, Jan 7-9 (in Kerala)?
A series of theme-based seminars and group discussion can be conducted for Manipuris during the upcoming PBD 2013 (likely to be in Kerala) on 7-9 Jan. This approach will reinforce the urgent need for creating KEN-Manipur website to Govt of Manipur as top priority for global Manipuris’ professional interaction. Early invitations for the PBD 2013 can be sent out proactively by Govt of Manipur in advance to enable Overseas Manipuri professionals booking journey tickets to India, and also Manipuri professionals and researchers/scientists residing in various Indian cities to attend the first-ever global conference for Manipuris towards socio-economic development of Manipur. The representatives from academic and research institutions in Manipur, local firms in Manipur, and well-wishers of Manipur, etc can be also requested to attend the PBD seminars. Govt of Manipur may be asked to provide financial travel assistance per attending Overseas Manipuris (as in the past, e.g. INR 20,000) and per pre-registered Manipuris within India to encourage larger participation at PBD.
9) What action item should I do now about KEN-Manipur initiative?
Log on to to register with your basic professional profile information.
– Select “Groups” in right hand side drop down menu, enter “Overseas Manipuris”, click “Search” button. Or, Shortcut link is
– Start discussing with fellow Manipuris by joining interested domains and connect to like-minded Manipuri professionals
– Also provide input to web-forum administrators on how we can plan seminars in PBD 2013 at Kerala
– Contact for sharing your any inputs towards the KEN-Manipur initiative. Interested Manipuris can also request to join the online Skype conference conducted periodically among the team behind the KEN-Manipur initiative working to realise a final dedicated KEN-Manipur website.
Also, provide your intention to attend the PBD 2013 (likely to be in Kerala) on 7-9 Jan as a presenter or as a participant or as a resource person, etc. We will require a sizeable number of Manipuri attendees to inspire and empower Manipur state govt in organising Manipur state specific programs with support from OIFC during the PBD 2013 (likely to be in Kerala).
10) What is the upcoming plan for KEN-Manipur Initiative before the concept is fully implemented?
* Request all regional social organisations of Manipuris across the globe to endorse the KEN-Manipur initiative to their respective members.
* Request every Manipuri (residing whether overseas, or at Indian cities or within Manipur) and well-wishers of Manipur state to get registered on the OIFC web-forum titled ‘Overseas Manipuris’ to enable having a sizeable number of registered users to empower govt of Manipur considering KEN-Manipur initiative as a high priority task for the state government
* Inform KEN-Manipur Initiative team (or officials in Govt of Manipur) confirming the wish to attend PBD 2013 (likely to be in Kerala) on Jan 7-9 for group discussion among Manipuris and interact directly with higher govt officials towards KEN-Manipur initiative.
Future Plan once KEN-Manipur initiative is implemented:
* Annual Gathering of global Manipuris – to be conducted as part of PBD or as a separate event [for networking, sharing of global business case experiences, creating socio-economic projects volunteered by Manipuri professionals, promoting Manipur tourism and culture at global locations, contributing feedbacks on state govt’s policies and activities, etc]
* Periodic e-Newsletters – creation of online human resource database for Manipuri professionals across the globe, business case reports on SMEs created by Manipuris globally, Academic and research updates from Manipuris globally and institutions in Manipur, announcement from state Govt ministries, etc
10) Who is to be contacted for any further info on KEN-Manipur initiative?
Email at, or ask executive officers of NAMA, EMA and MAC.
Or, for personal Contact, reach out to Lakshmikant (USA), Shanjoy (UK), Bishwajeet (Ireland).
11) For further Info, refer to the following notes:
Presentation slide from Imphal Conference of Oct 2011:
PBD 2011 Experience note:
Govt of Manipur Letter to Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs: