Assam: Incessant rains submerges over 85 villages


Jul 18,  12:16 PM |

Flood water also submerged low lying areas of Kaziranaga National Park. In Majuli Island, around 40 families have taken shelter in high embankments .

In Assam, incessant rains submerged many villages in the last 24 hours. The surging water of the Brahmaputra breached Sisikalghar embankment at Jonnichuk and Namdang in Dhemaji district and submerged at least 85 villages last night. District administration deployed the National Disaster Response Force to rescue the marooned people.The Brahmaputra is flowing above the danger level at Dibrugarh, Nematighat and Dhubri.Buridhing and Jia Bharali river also flowing above the danger mark at two places.

Water released from neighboring Bhutan also inundated many villages in Lower Assam on last Monday. Though the water level receded, a few villages remained submerged forced the people to move to safer places.

Flood water also submerged low lying areas of Kaziranaga National Park. In Majuli Island, around 40 families have taken shelter in high embankments .

District administration along with the Army and Assam Rifles organized health and cattle camps in Majuli . District administrations have set up relief camps in the affected areas.



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