Family dispute turns ugly


IMPHAL, July 14: In a violent incident at Lai Ingkhol Mayai Leikai this morning, four persons were hospitalized due to a dispute between two families.

Spot reporting reveals that the incident happen at around 9:30 am when two locals identified as N Inao and M Nungshitombi started a heated argument infront of the latter’s gate on some personal issue.

Hearing the noise England, Nungsitobi’s son, came out and joined the quarrel attracting the locals, who were present nearby.    

A source informed that suddenly, England rushed to his house and came out holding a “thangjou” (matchet) and attacked N Inao with it, leaving him injured on his left rib.

Even as the locals were trying to intervene, England threw the machete towards Inao hitting him again on his chest, a source informed.

After that he ran towards his house at which the locals present chased him and thrashed him.

On hearing about the incident, Shantibala, who is the sister of Inao, came and soon got into a fight with Nungshitombi and hit her on the head.

Meanwhile, a team of Lamphel police came and took control of the situation. The police have registered a case in connection with the incident.

M Nungshitombi, 38, wife of M Sarat Lei Ingkhol Mayai Leikai and his son Moirangthem Engand, 22, were admitted at RIMS, while N Inao, 35, son of Leirenjao and Ningthoujam Santibala, 32, (Inao’s sister) wife of Sanathoi of the same locality were admitted to JNIMS. Later they were discharged. 

Meanwhile, the reason behind the argument is yet to be ascertained, sources informed.


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