Farmers convention at Ccpur


From Kaimuanthang
LAMKA, July 27: The Agricultural Labour`s Union , Manipur , ALUM in collaboration with the Indigenous Kuki Peoples Forum, IKPF today organized a one day farmer`s convention from 11 am at Bijang Vengnuon Community Hall.

The occassion was attended by Chairman Ccpur ADC, Langkhanpau Guite as chief guest, R Chothe as president, vice chairman Ccpur ADC, Demmang Haokip, MDC Genneikhup, MDC Paolal Haokip and MDC Thangkhomang as guests of honour.

Assts Dir sericulture, H Rajendra Singh, Dir Food Processing, S Joykumar Singh, Jt Dir Vety & AH, Dr Kh Ibohal, Asst Dir of agriculture, MD Singh, Th Tomba Singh and Kh Singh both from the state agriculture department acted as resource persons of the programme.

Langkhanpau in his speech pointed out that farmers need to to be acquainted with the right type of knowledge and for that, such seminars attended by the experts need to be held on a weekly basis if possible.

Stating that it is necessary for all departments to perform their respective duties so as to achieve their goals of serving the people, he said if such steps are taken then the ADC is always ready to extend any possible help.

The need for crop substitution to meet the changing rainfall is the need of the hour, he said

Speakers from the sericulture department also stated that it is necessary to create a sericulture model village at Ccpur town and then create the same on the same lines at other places in the district.

From fishery department, the speakers pointed out that there are central and state sponsored schemes which are meant for the public and through it the people can be given awareness and knowledge of fishing which are the most important.


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